I love the quote from Pablo Picasso... "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away!"
I read that, and I know with certainty what my gift is...
But, giving it away is probably the hardest thing that I have ever tried to do.
It is so very difficult to try to convey a philosophy and a mindset. We are all so busy, so distracted, so convinced, so committed, so so so.... that trying to get the attention of most people is so very, very difficult.
I am not a good "formal" student. I don't people to "package things up for me". I don't want to learn things the way you want me to learn them. I don't want to follow instructions. I want so very desperately to be unique. I believe so completely in my unique ability to interpret and apply.
I am exactly the kind of person that makes communicating HARMONY to others so tough.
People tend to trust me. I love that.
But, once you try to "package up" your mindset in a way that can be understood and reapplied something funny happens... many people take a step back.
I think its our own human protection mechanisms. When someone is just BEING in harmony, we are drawn to them. We want to embrace their energy. We want to learn about them, and from them.
But, when someone shifts to trying to GIVE us something... we become a little skeptical. Our filters and our defenses go up... "Yeah, but, that doesn't really work IF..."
This is why I don't want to "monetize" HARMONY... It feels like selling my soul.
I want to put it out there and let the world opt in.
It is a mindset and a philosophy moreso than a prescription - but it does have very specific components to the thought process.
No matter how much I try to make it "explainable" there are aspects of it that are complex. You can't "go through the steps" and make it work. You need to care deeply about the people around you. You need to empathize with people in a bigger way.
Probably the hardest aspect of harmony, is the willingness to suspend your version of the truth long enough to see other people's truths. And, not just SEE other people's truths, but actually internalize and embrace other people's truths as part of the absolute truth.
I haven't mastered that - though I do feel like that is my "gift" ;-)
I smile at the word "gift" because it is the gift of my youth. I am able to suspect my truth because for so very long I felt like my truth wasn't worthy. I don't know how to convey that - or how easily repeatable that is...
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away!" Pablo Picasso
Those of you on this blog give me a gift everyday. You OPT into who I am and what I believe. You receive it with an open mind and consider it.
THANK YOU for that.
I know my gift and my purpose - and it allows me to live a better and happier life in every moment.
I know that there is no future... there is only the NOW.
I don't have to share my gift with the world all at once... just one person, one conversation at a time.
What I need is not strength, but patience.
What I need is not power, but stamina.
What I need is not ego, but humility.
If my "gift" can change one moment, create one smile, give one person hope, inspire one heart, change one life... then it is shared... ;-)
And, the reason I feel so very blessed and fortunate is because I believe that there are a few out there that are internalizing HARMONY in some way, that are considering this as an alternative in some way as to how they show up in the world, that are a little more conscious of suspending their truth, and being more present in their moments...
It's a gift that keeps on giving...
And, its not my gift... its our gift.
As I drove down the neighborhood this weekend, I watched the people running, walking & taking out the garbage. I looked carefully at their faces in search of harmony.
I looked for peaceful smiles, for warm hearts, for gentle glances...
We are all sharing this amazing journey surrounded by boundless gifts...
I am so very fortunate!
Yours in harmony,