Ok – this is a good, trivial, every-day example of harmony and disharmony…


I wish it wasn’t so HOT!

I wish it wasn’t RAINING!

I wish I didn’t have allergies!

I wish it wasn’t so cold!

I wish it wouldn’t snow so much!

I wish it would snow more!


I know many people look at me funny, when they say one of these lines.  They see my stare.


Here in Maryland, the cry for “no more snow”, and “no more cold” was loud and clear from the masses.


And, then, in late May and June, the cry was “it’s so hot”, “Summer came early”.


What is your comfort range?


What is the “right” weather?


What does the weather need to be, in order for you to be “happy” about it?




Sure, I hear people occasionally say, “What a nice day!”  We’ve had a nice few of them recently.  It happens, but its rare to have weather that MOST people like.


IMAGINE… a world inside your mind where you accepted the weather…


When its cold, you enjoyed being able to put on a coat or being able to light a fire at night.


When it snows, you enjoy being home with the kids or looking out the window in the back.


When it rains, you enjoy picking up a good book, staying indoors – or HECK – going outside!  Going for a run in the rain is awesome.  Go for a walk in the rain (not so much fun if its cold and rainy, but you get the idea).


I was walking today at lunch and it was hot, really hot.  I was sweating…


I like sweating.  I feel like its somehow cleansing.  It’s who I am.  (Those of you who know me know that sweating in many ways defines me ;-)

We went out for lunch and were sitting outside (under cover) and it was hot.  I liked feeling hot.  It was nice to enjoy the warmth.


When I left lunch, a big thunderstorm was passing.  I got soaked.   I smiled.  I felt good running (been working out!), and it was fun to run through the rain for a block and feel the coolness before stepping back into the cold conference room for a meeting.


The weather is the weather.  I don’t expect it to be a certain way, and I try to enjoy whatever it is.  I can’t control it. 


“Wishing” things weren’t what they are puts a cloud in your day , and a cloud in your mind.


If its sunny, I try to be excited that my skin will get darker.

If its cloudy, I am glad we don’t have to put on sunscreen.

If its raining, I am glad we get a chance to huddle and be together (and I am glad that I don’t feel as guilty about not being outdoors.


It is what it is – and it ain’t gonna get me down… Not even slightly.


There are those that say, “here, the saying goes, if you don’t like the weather don’t worry, just wait, it will change in a minute.”   That ain’t it… what if it doesn’t change in a minute?  Will you be disappointed?


JUST LEARN TO ACCEPT IT – and then enjoy it!


Sure – when we went skiing in December and there wasn’t as much snow as we hoped it was a little disappointing.  We had a great time, and took a day off the mountain and had a blast going to the movies.


Sure – last year when it rained through all of our camping trip last year, it was a little disappointing, but we made the most of it for a few days, and then we picked up camp and went to a nice resort and had a blast in their indoor pool.


Some of the best and funniest memories camping have been in the rain.


Harmony and disharmony happens in every moment and at every level.

Be mindful of every moment when you wish things weren’t what they are…  each one of those little slivers, each one of those little moments builds momentum.


Harmony begets harmony and disharmony begets disharmony.


Where does the “I wish it were sunny” thought lead?


Be mindful of your thoughts… at all levels and use the simpler examples to build the discipline and the mindset to approach situations in the best possible way… in HARMONY!


Use the weather to start to train yourself to catch yourself wishing life was different, and redirect it. 


Then, keep observing and see where else you wish things were different and keep redirecting the WAY you are thinking about it.  If they are things you can control , then work to change the situation over time.  If they are things you CANNOT control, work to find the way to think about it to make the best of it and enjoy it.


Sure – you can prefer sunny days over others – but don’t let rainy or cold days take away from your joy. 


Don’t let rain or cold or heat or sweat or snow keep you from harmony.


It’s tactical but its real – take no disharmony for granted ;-)


It is what it is…


The weather is here and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL…


Accept both – don’t make them dependent on each other.

I am grateful to feel the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow...

I am grateful for the gift of today... and for the ability, the independence, the company, and the consciousness to enjoy it.

The weather is here - and, in terms of what matters, its irrelevant!  So, it doesn't affect me, not in the slightest...

Yours in harmony,


