We so desperately want to see the world as



1 or 0,

this or that?


Are you a Democrat or a Republican?

People either “get it” or “don’t”…

Things are either EFFECTIVE or EFFICIENT

Our cholesterol is either HIGH or LOW

We are either Healthy or Not- Healthy

We are either RIGHT brained or LEFT brained

We look for kids to be GOOD or BAD

It’s not work, its personal…

There either is Global Warming that is one of the two political parties fault, or their isn’t…


Think about it…

We are desperate to have the A or B choice,

And, we so very badly want to know that one is right and the other is WRONG!


We are constantly looking for ways to divide our life and our decisions into binary situations…


And, I would argue, other than at the most granular level of computers where there is a zero or one, virtually NO OTHER aspect of life is simple and binary.


It is the subtlety, the balance, the mixture of right and wrong, healthy and unhealthy, good and bad, creative or not…






Exists in a blend of the two extremes that we so often pose as discreet options.


Life is not binary, it is continuous…


One moment blends into the next…

Our personal lives blend into our professional ones.


At work the challenges of sales and operations are constantly blended.

We get to profitability not by lowering costs or increasing pricing, but by doing both, and often differently based on different situations.



So, what does this have to do with HARMONY?




The absolute truth of situations and of happiness and success.. requires us to accept the GRAY in life, the subtle blends…


Imagine if everyone in the world accepted that the rest of the world could be PARTIALLY RIGHT, and that I could be PARTIALLY wrong?


How many lives would have been saved throughout history…


Unfortunately, human nature propels us toward A or B.


We want to be right, or at least…


We want to know what FLAG we are supposed to be carrying, what jersey we are supposed to be wearing…


I think it comes from the desire to WIN – but it is misplaced… because if we stop looking at the world as BINARY… WIN-LOSE, we could find the place where we can ALL – WIN… the blend of our values and our opinions.


I don’t think we can accomplish that world-wide, but why not start with me and you?


Be mindful of the places in life where you are seeking binary situations, and start to find your harmony in the blend of those extremes, in the continuous possibilities where both of those worlds can exist.


There is one other place that I can think of… where the world is BINARY…


You know where I am going right…


At the deepest level of the computer – there is a 1 or a zero.


At the deepest and most basic level of life, there is the moment, and the moment DOES HAVE A BINARY reality…




That is the only place where I am convinced is ABSOLUTELY BINARY.


In no aspect of life, does WISHING … does desiring to control what we can’t control construct happiness.


How convenient is that ?  ;-)


But that is precisely WHY Harmony is so powerful, because it is the only place where our desire for clarity from binary simplicity works…


And, as we said… every other aspect of life is made up of moments so it requires blends and complexity.


Keep life simple…

Stop seeking happiness through BINARY living…


But know, that you know better…


Know that the truth is in the blend of our extremes.

And know also, that the one place that BINARY holds…


Is in this conversation…

In every moment…





Find your harmony…

Own the WANT…


And, smile, ‘cause you know better ;-)


Yours in the ultimate BINARY harmony,


