On my view of my harmony site, I can search through my posts - and it is so much fun ;-)

I wanted to figure out if I could offer you the same functionality, as now I have literally written hundreds and hundreds of components to the conversation in my head about the search and the finding of harmony...


If you enter "/search" after the website... so you enter 


A box comes up and you can enter words to explore...







and content comes up...

Now you and I both know that this conversation has not taken a predictable pattern, so the search may be a bit random... go with the flow.  Unfortunately, I tried entering a month and year and that did not work ;-(  It would have been cool for you to be able to pull up the posts sequentially.  You can enter in random words, "coach", "kids", "racism", "profit" and it brings up whatever it sees... you get the idea.

I know its probably not as fun for you as it is for me, but I had a blast, and smiled at the amount of thoughts that this site and your eyes and interest has inspired me to capture and be able to relive and reconsider.

So, next time you have nothing to do... (ha... I know)...

go explore - and you might be surprised to see what you find...

Thank you for being out there - without you I wouldn't understand what I understand... I wouldn't be where I am... and I wouldn't be so very full of hope and harmony.



