From one of my posts that was regifted to me from a friend... ;-)

Sometimes rereading my conversations is like eating a left over meal, 

where somehow the flavors have blended together and taste more delicious over time.

"Good people don't die... they transform.

They transform into goodness, into fondness, into hope, into tears.

Good people live on in the hearts of those they leave behind.

Good people live on in the desire they leave behind in us to live more deliberately.

Good people live on in the impression they have left in those they have loved..... in the example that they have set for us... in the inspiration they give us every moment that we remember them.

How do we make sense of death?

We make sense of death by making sense of life!

We make sense of death by celebrating the lives of those good souls that we have loved with joy, with purpose, with meaning...

by celebrating deliberately with gratitude and awareness of whatever time we have left.

Aspiring for harmony in every moment... in every breath.

Death IS sad and death IS life.

Good people don't die... they transform fully into emotion, into hope, into tears into goodness that gets spread by those they leave behind..."

As the holiday's get closer and the year draws to an end, I think about a few very special souls that passed away this year.

Truth is, good people do die.... and sometimes they die too young.

AND, they transform into inspiration and purpose and hope...

I keep going back to the line,

"We make sense of death by making sense of life."

I am not suggesting it is easy in any way...

But it is the way forward... 

Reach out to those in sadness...

And, become part of the transformation,

in harmony,


