I often think about the "virtual or imaginary" man projected on my wall...
You know the one... The one whose voice you can't ignore... who lives inside your mind.
YES! That man!
To myself, my sons, my colleagues, my friends... I write to you, and to the "man" or "woman" on your wall...
I see you…
I know you…
I know you want to change the world.
I know you want to better your world.
Don’t blame your age.
You are neither too young, nor too old.
You are the perfect age to start.
I know the man that you’ve painted on your wall.
He is the same man that stares back at me from mine.
His stare overwhelms us.
Any action that you may take feels small and insignificant.
Or so you think.
You can’t hide from yourself, even in if you lay still in your own darkness.
You are an extraordinary soul.
You care so very, very much.
You dream so very, very big.
I see you.
I see the man that you are becoming, and he amazes me.
I know you.
I love you.
Take action today.
Greatness results from a lifetime of action, a lifetime of small seemingly insignificant actions.
Take action today, and if you fail…
Take action tomorrow.
Launch yourself in someway upon a journey,
And allow your journey to define itself with your influence.
I see you.
You are already in motion.
I love you and the man on your wall.
Take small seemingly insignificant actions in the moment…
And, be ready to rethink your definition of greatness.
You are a most amazing gift to those that know you.
I love you.
in harmony,