Life is an endless string of problems...
If you are committed to learning, to constructing, to improving your life... It is like a never ending math homework...
"Tonight kids, work on problems 1 to 15,000,000 evens, and if you are not dead by the end, I'll give you another set!"
That is one way to look at it... And it wouldn't be untrue.
Growth and success require a continuous ability to resolve moments of conflict, between where the world would go with you, if you didn't exist... And where you influence it to go BECAUSE you exist.
Now, is that a never ending problem set, or a never ending opportunity set?
Unlike the math homework a of yesteryear, the solutions not only build on each other l, if you are deliberate, but slowly construct a wonderful, challenging, meaningful and unique life...
The concept of harmony focuses us on the current "problem"...
the current "moment"...
the current "opportunity"...
But, I must be careful because the concept of a never ending set of anything is overwhelming and potentially exhausting.
I remain too focused on getting ready for the next conflict to resolve... Looking ahead with good intent... For the next problem to solve.
Somehow, I need to shift my energy from being constantly prepared for the next one... To celebrating the one you just solved... Reflecting on the one you solve... Living the one you solved...
In fact, even the world solved is not helpful...
If you are living your life deliberately, you aren't following anyone's assignment. You are selecting your own path... And actually not just choosing your solutions or decisions... In most cases you should be choosing what to do next...
The assignment immediately starts to change flavor...
From problems you are dealt to a journey you are choosing...
From problems that need to be solved, to moments that need to be lived...
As I sit in front of this terminal at LAX hearing the cars pass, seeing the workers arrive, feeling the breeze on my face and the peace in my heart...
I remember... This is in no way a problem to solve... It is another gift, another opportunity... To grow, to enjoy, to experience...
I need to grow up... And leave the concept of homework behind...
I am writing my own text book and enjoying selecting my own moments...
I need to grow up... And remember more often that it's not a never ending problem set...
But rather a lesson... a conversation, a journey... A song... A gift that will certainly end...
And, it's mine to do with as I wish or as I want, until that final day comes...
The air is fresh this morning...
And, I will take deeper breathes and be ever grateful for whatever problems and solutions this day brings...
It's not never ending..
And, these aren't problems...
It's the unique conversation I choose...
The unique conversation I construct, live and enjoy...
Wheels up...
In harmony,