Thinking about all of you, with little time to write.

Today, I am giving seminars to High School Students that are in a business competition on how to "change the world"?  



Ironically, I am doing this at the event that my oldest son started in high school...

It's going on without him... with great success and participation... and continues to draw the support of the world renown Blue Ocean Team and authors...

Yes, I am proud.  I admit it.  And, I am inspired... I truly am... I love that he created something out of nothing... It's like magic.

The title of my seminar is IMAGINE:  Make your dreams come true (in business and in life)

I heard this poem by a very successful exec when I was in the dot com phase of my life.

Author is unknown... but I have thought about this poem so many times throughout my life.

Choose a wish, find a dream
 Pick a wishing star
 Let your hopes and spirits soar
 High and free and far.


Reach for the unreachable
 Stretch to touch the sky
Know no dream you treasure
 Is too far away or high.

Believe in the impossible
Then work and try and do
 For only those who dare to dream
Can make a dream come true!

Specially those last four lines... come back to my mind over and over.

If I can plant a seed in these young minds...

In simply ONE young mind...

Or, in your truly's ONE old mind ;-)

I believe it - I do.  I believe in dreamin... and so very many of my dreams have come true... so many... I musn't forget that.

If I can be a spark...

Maybe... just maybe...

I can have a little sliver of impact in helping make their dreams come true...

BELIEVING in the impossible...

Then trying and saying and doing...

DARING to believe... 

Have a great Saturday,

I ain't done DREAMIN'...

In harmony,

