Did you ever think to yourself, 

"It got quiet all of a sudden!"

Regarding some issue that had been discussed, argued, battled for awhile?

I've noticed it with different situations; marketing, pricing, an individual's behavior, etc., etc.

When that happens and you hear the silence, do yourself a favor.  Check in on the silence.

One of three things typically have happened:

1.  The Problem Was RESOLVED!  

WOO HOO!  That is the ideal solution. Good on 'ya mate!  It's progress and signs that the organization is growing up.

2. Other FIRES Became Priorities...

Be careful... the old issue is quiet, but its because there are bigger threats to your business or company.  Make sure that you are in the know.

3.  People DISENGAGED!

This is the dangerous one.  If people disengaged, they either stopped caring or stopped believing that it could be resolved.  In either case, you've lost confidence and trust from a valued employee.  If this happens multiple times, you end up having a team that chooses not to care, because it's less frustrating.  That is not a company you want to build or work for!

Welcome the noise.  It means people care.  Move the conversation forward.

And, be mindful of the silence.  It could be a good sign.  But, it's worth a check.

In Harmony,



