She is so honest, so quick, so heartless...

I sometimes stay away, because I simply don't want to know the truth.


other than making me feel momentarily happier,

not knowing the truth results in me making worse decisions.

I can pretend that I know... I can rationalize things based on how I feel,

but the truth is the truth...

And, it's the core of everything.

She is elegant, reliable, and always there for me... 

And, in the morning, when I choose to step on her,

she wakes up and tells me the truth...

EXACTLY as it is... to the tenth of a pound.

My scale is my friend.  And, I need to embrace her.

If I stay close, if I check in, she will keep me focused and on track.

And, if she makes me feel bad, it's not her, it's the truth that she is sharing that I must accept.

And, it is I who is the one responsible for the truth.

The truth is a CONSEQUENCE of my actions.

I wish there was a scale for harmony... something we could step on at any moment

that gave us the truth of our situation, of our discipline, of our happiness, of our effectiveness, of our loyalty, of our everything...

to the tenth of a unit!

Life is not like that...

That is why success and happiness can be so elusive for so many.

That is why I want to be STRONG and LEAN...

Because I want to play off TRUTH... I want to build on TRUTH...

And, if I can't do it in the areas where I know the truth exactly...

How can I possibly do it in the areas  where the truth is approximated in my mind.

My weight is important to me,

because HARMONY is important to me.

And, to me, they are one and the same.

My discipline in what I eat is correlated with my discipline in all that I do...

I love it when the truth... the consequence of my actions is POSITIVE...

Shows progress, shows commitment, shows purpose, shows discipline, shows passion...

So, I must love my scale.  She never lies to me, and she slowly makes me a better person...

Only if I am willing to step up, listen to what she says... and act accordingly toward my want.

Time to get serious... time to step up!  Time to get stronger.  

I wish there were more like her.

In harmony,

