Yesterday, I was reading an article.

Supposedly, Marc Zuckerberg invited 5 people to his dorm room 12 years ago to talk about a business concept.  Two people showed up to the meeting, and both, along with Mark, are billionaires multiple times over.

Mark has created wealth to the magnitude of over $35 billion in simply 12 years!  He has created a technology that has changed the way we communicate and stay in touch with friends and family over billion people have joined in. 

I wonder how the three guys that did not show up feel...

The thought was already in my mind, even before I read the article.

Where does your mind go, when you read about someone who is successful, or wildly successful?

Mine seems to go one of two places...

1.  DAMN!  What is WRONG with ME!  Why can't I BE that guy?????


2.  It truly is AMAZING what we can accomplish as human beings.  I am capable of great success too... what can I learn from this example?

OR maybe simply...

3.   WOW!  How awesome is THAT!!!!

Peter Diamandis calls it the "GAP".  He calls it, "that place where we go as human beings where we compare ourselves against INFINITY, instead of looking at where we are and acknowledging how far we've come and how lucky we are."

"Harmony" is a word that I have borrowed, but the concept that I am speaking to is the "ABSOLUTE TRUTH" that seems to be the shared conclusion to everyone's questions...

No one seems to tell us to live in the past or in the future.  The conclusion seems to be focus on the now.

No one seems to tell us to focus on our weaknesses, but rather to focus on our strengths.

No one seems to tell us to focus on what we lack, but rather to focus on gratitude.

Peter Diamandis speaks to Harmony in a very eloquent way...

Whether you call it "the GAP" or Disharmony...

Whether you call it "comparing yourself against infinity" or simply wasting our moments on "wishing"...


When we look at a picture, or hear a story of someone more successful...  An amazing story of EFFORT, STRATEGY, LUCK... all coming together.  

Where does your mind go?

Toward harmony or disharmony?

Toward the opportunity that still exits for us or the paths we wish we'd taken?

Does it compel me to work harder or does it make me feel foolish for the wasted efforts I have spent thusfar?

Does it fill me with possibility or weigh me down with regret and insecurity?

It depends...

It depends on the moment...

On where the story finds me.

And, for me at least... I feel a twinge of both...

I am filled with possibility and at the same time fear that time has passed, and I may have missed my bus.

As the years pass, I realize most of the stories that I read are of people who are younger than I am that have achieved so very much more...

And as the years pass, I grow more and more comfortable with the idea that...

this is my journey.

this is my story.

and, it is not over.

and, it is not as exciting as Mark Zuckerberg's....

but it belongs to ME...

and, I am grateful for it...

and, I do look back at where I started and where I am and I smile...

and I see the gap, right there by my side, and I stand firmly on the edge of this magnificent cliff...

When I compare myself to infinity, I am small and meaningless.

When I look over infinity and gaze at the amazing beauty and opportunity - I am bold and inspired.

On the edge of the "GAP",  I realize there is a magnificent view...

a view of what is always possible.

I still spread my arms wide...

waiting to take flight...

dreaming of soaring high...

all the while, enjoying the hike...

enjoying the view...





