It was 10 pm, and I knew based on the news that it was coming.
I woke up at midnight.
Then at 1 am…
Then at 2 am…
I decided I couldn’twait any longer –
The clouds were dense and dark,
And a storm was inevitable.
I stepped out of the tent…
And activated CODE BLUE!
Code blue is our lingo for deply the BIG BLUE TARP when we are camping.
We’ve come a long way, since the days when our clothes would get soaked because of leaks into the tent.
One year, when the rain was coming strong, we decided to put the blue tarp that we had brought to try to use as an umbrella over the tent.
The tarp was about 20 by 15 feet and it ALMOST covered the critical area of the tent.
It made a huge difference.
The following winter, we bought BIG BLUE… this was the tarp the “next size” up and it is massive.
I think its 40 feet by 30 feet, but I might be mistaken. Maybe its 50 feet long.
All I know is that when we deploy CODE BLUE – our whole tent DISSAPPEARS.
We become a blue sand dune amindst the tan ones.
We have withstood massive storms that have cleared all of Assateague Island… and when we step out of our gypsy style tent cover, we feel like true survivors.
I am actually sitting OUTSIDE our tent right now, UNDERBIG BLUE…
It’s likea wrapping covered porch of sorts outside of our tent.
While others squirm to keep their clothes dry, we sleep in the blue haze…
Someday, I will buy a tent that doesn’t leak.
I believe there are some.
I know as water proof as they may be –
They will never be quite as robust, nor quite as protective, nor quite as ugly as our big blue.
We have laughed often and deeply about our experiences camping…
No matter how good a tent we get next…
Nothing will beat our experiences with big blue.
The sun will shine on us again…
For now –
Enjoying our CODE BLUE…
In harmony,