As you know,
I am passionate about writing...
I question if what I write has meaning,
if what I write has value,
if what I write is original in any way...
But, truth is... I can't help myself.
I want to write.
Writing encourages me to think.
Writing helps me untangle the world around me,
untangle my mind,
untangle my heart,
to find harmony,
more often,
in more moments.
I had an idea this morning...
What if I were to write a book... via this medium...
One page,
One day
At a time...
There is a part of me that feels the world doesn't need ONE more book about harmony...
And, there is a part of me that loves the challenge of trying to bring the idea of harmony to life in a clearer way...
I am going to play with that idea...
Would you want to read one page per day?
Would you want it to be a novel - that pulls in the concepts of harmony...
Or, should it be a non-fiction exploration of the principles of harmony...
Would you read either one?
Would anyone else?
Be honest...
I am intrigued by the idea...
In harmony,