Remember when you where young...
Or the trips with the kids on vacation...
The question inevitably came:
"Are we there yet?"
For some reason, as we grow up, we are more patient.
We don't ask the question, at least not out loud.
Perhaps, because we know how to figure out for ourselves how much farther we have to go.
Perhaps, as adults we get to drive, and we are in control of the knowledge of when we will be there. We don't have anyone to ask the question of...
Perhaps, because we have learned that part of the joy of vacations is the travel... the ability to look out the window, read a book on a plane, enjoy the journey along the way.
So, I think I have it figured out for vacations... but with respect to life, I often find myself asking the question...
Am I there yet?
And, I often see people in my company feel the angst of "are we there yet?"
The question is inherently DISHARMONY... because it's WISHING that we were....
I see it in conversations where people are in disharmony with where we are, and instead of focusing on "how can I help get us there faster?", they look up to the front seat and ask... and adults, like children, start getting antsy.
Maybe in business... you are NEVER actually 'THERE'? Because as soon as you reach "THERES" you create new theres, or maybe because in business and in life you are traveling to multiple "THERES" at once?
The need and opportunity remain the same...
Sitting in the back seat of a company, of a conversation... OF LIFE, and asking
"Are we there yet?" whether you say it out loud or not, is childish, or at a minimum, is useless at doing anything other than creating angst in yourself and disharmony in your mind.
I need to grow up - in all ways.
We need to be the adults of our lives, and embrace that we have the wheel, that destinations take time to reach, and that our peace of mind, our "happiness" is defined by making progress toward our full potential.
I don't care what position you have within a company - I believe you are in control of your life if you choose to be. And, you are in control of whatever you decide to put yourself in control of...
Remember "control" doesn't necessarily mean being the boss... it means being the person DRIVING to where you want to go.
I get upset at myself sometimes.
I get so very angry at myself, for NOT "being THERE yet!"
When I do, I need to find my focus, take a deep breath, remind myself of where I am going...
and figure out how to drive smarter, possibly faster, and almost certainly more aware of the progress that I am making...
Somehow, I need to learn and completely reframe the question...
It shouldn't be "Am I there yet?"
It really should be...
"Can I express greater gratitude for this amazing trip?"
"How can I finally learn that my trip is truly my destination every step of the way?"
I am asking the wrong question?
Am I seating in the right seat?
Am I finding reaching harmony?