If you haven't seen the movie, "Lion"...


I heard about it, because it's nominated for Best Picture, and then a friend said it was a must...


I live that great stories are being told, and My favorites are always stories that are true. 

I realize there is beauty in fiction, but to me there is no greater beauty, no greater inspiration than reality.   Real people living through unfathomable challenges and overcoming them... 

Look around - TALK to and learn from people around you... 

Inspiration is everywhere. 

I gave a talk to some high school students this weekend.  I love that the concept of inspiration can capture students attention in a powerful way. The kids were full of questions, fully engaged in the topic.  So many came up afterwards to talk more... So very cool.

Inspiration, in my definition, is simply the belief that BETTER is POSSIBLE.

Life sucks us in everyday.  It sucks us into the detail, into the grind, into the struggle. 

Deliberately seeking to be inspired pulls us up - helps us remember that better is possible - and we need that reminder to keep our energy and our smile as we muscle our way through the daily grind.  Without inspiration, without believing that better is possible... life is just struggle. 


Whether its meditation, prayer, music, reading, movies... WHATEVER IT IS that inspires you... find it... everyday!

Lion lit up my heart and was in many ways a metaphor for finding myself in my own life. 

Figure out what makes you ROAR... get out and see Lion... 

To more deep breaths and joy... 

in harmony, 



