I know these are the three, but like other things in my life putting the theory to practice is not just the hard thing... it’s the EVERY thing.
Three things
for true, deep happiness...
for meaning...
for the most powerful Harmony...
1. Be Grateful... deeply grateful, constantly grateful for your life... for every aspect, every detail... It is so abundant, and we are so very, very fortunate.
2. Be humble and keep reducing the size of your ego. Our ego pushes us constantly not in the wrong direction, but with a flawed purpose. Our egos critique too much, expect too much, and are the voice on our shoulder that almost always question the right path... the best version of ourselves. It is our ego that questions intent, questions worth, questions our goodness.
3. Live for others... It is when I am working for the good of others that I am most inspired, most creative, most purposeful. When I am working for the good of others, I feel no guilt. I don't question myself.
So much of what we hear, read, see tries to ignite our ego, fan the flames of our selfishness. The flames of my selfishness burn strong and often. And, I literally battle in my own mind between so many mentors, lessons and strategies in my own mind that are created to serve my ego, and those voices in my head seeking peace and purpose and happiness.
My ego literally asks me, when I am thinking of an altruistic life... of a life truly devoted to others... "Is it a cop out?"... "Do you want that because then failure to achieve your goals won't be as clear? as obvious?" REALLY? Could that be the case? I wonder. I don't think so... but my ego puts up a heck of an argument... Do I seek a life of purpose for others, so that I can't fail myself? And, yet... the greatest stress I feel, is when I feel the possibility of letting others down... when I feel like I may fail others... that feels much more meaningful than failing myself. Then the other side of my heart takes over... maybe my ego is there because it is EASIER to satisfy my own ego, than to satisfy my desire to make the world a better place. It is easier to buy myself a nice car rather than build a foundation that gives on-going to the handicap in Peru... The battle goes on...
There is so much written, so much wisdom so generously distributed in our world... so omni-present. But it goes deeply against the other lessons we have been taught.
How FREE would I be, if I wasn't trying to serve myself?
How FREE would I be, if that battle in my mind was finally won?
How FREE would I be...
How much peace would I know...
if my only purpose, my true purpose, my stated purpose was to do RIGHT, do my BEST, by those I care about... by those I know... by those I dream of helping...
I see it... I see clarity just beyond my reach.... And, I still can't grab it...
I can touch it... And, I do.
I know what it feels like...
I don't just want to touch it....
I want to stop reaching for it...
I want it to embrace it. I want it to define me.
I want to BE ABOUT IT!
I... I want to disappear into it.
The greatest version of me... doesn't have me in it.
It's a concept that short circuits my ego...
3 things...
I... I want to disappear into them...
In harmony,