So, last Friday, instead of being upset about a 2+ hour ride home from the airport, I found Tony Robbins: I am not your guru and decided to just escape listening to his documentary while I drove.

It was such the perfect ending to a really good week.

I will write about it in a few days to keep the conversations shorter.

I have stayed away from Anthony Robbins as he seemed so OVER the TOP, and for some reason, from a distance, I thought he was part of what was wrong with "Self Help Speakers"... too overproduced.

Boy - was I wrong.

He is certainly highly produced, but from what I have read about him and seen, he is so very much the real deal, and has quickly become one of my heroes.

His mission in life is to improve the trajectory of the life of those around him.

If you have not seen:  Tony Robbins: I am not your guru  (documentary on Netflix) you must.

He prides himself on "going deep", 

"Depth is what people are missing, and when you take people deep everyone is riveted because its so rare.

Authenticity will lead to a rich life…  it leads to having life the way you want it, the way you deserve it…"  Tony Robbins.

He does his seminars, this one is called a "Date with Destiny", by calling people out and creating conversations and then dissecting people and their issues.

I love that he quickly cuts through any BS, and dives right to what matters.

The first speaker on the documentary says she is there to improve her nutrition, and within minutes she is talking about her drug taking father whom she struggles to love.

"Rejection breeds obsession."  When you don't get the love you want, you become obsessed with trying to achieve it.

He tells her if she is going to blame, she should blame elegantly and completely, "Blame from the soul, not from the mind."

Blame powerfully, consciously, effectively… If you are going to blame them for all the bad stuff you must blame them for all the good stuff…

"Blame at the level of your soul, not at the level of your head…  Blame him for being the onem man you can love.  Blame him for making you who you are.  If my mom had been the mom I wanted her to be, I would not be the man I am proud to be today…  Our biggest problem is that you think you shouldn’t have them…

Problems are what makes us grow, what shape our soul, what make us more.

If we could only realize that problems happen FOR us, not happening TO us.

Powerful, powerful stuff...

Random but powerful thoughts on a Tuesday morning...

This guy Tony, I met on Friday... wow, he gets it... 

He has helped over 50 million people find a better path.. pretty amazed by him.

Get on Netflix...

In harmony,


