I was having this conversation "by the water cooler" yesterday with one of my colleagues who had pulled me aside...
"I don't feel this way about many people, but I really think I can learn from you."
He sounded very sincere.
I responded just as sincerely... "We can learn from everyone around us, my friend..."
We got into a short but intense discussion about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I know, I know... you are surprised ;-) It's how I like to roll...
He told me that he was committed to learning...
And, I stopped him... revved up in my mind by the conversation...
It's NOT about LEARNING... I hear so many people say they want to learn, they are committed to learning... And, I believe them. But, that is not what sets us apart.
It's sincerely ACCEPTING that we CAN be better... It's about KNOWING that we are FLAWED and IMPERFECT and at the same time working to APPLY what we are learning...
It's about APPLYING what we learn, over and over and over again EVERYDAY that sets us apart...
It's not about trying to get "smarter" or finding the right "answer". There is NOTHING that you can learn and apply today that will "get you there", or that will get you to happiness...
It is about learning EVERY DAY and APPLYING EVERY DAY what you are learning... Constantly accepting that we are imperfect and it can be done better...
I said it because I know that in his mind he is committed to "learning", and even "getting better"... but there is a difference being RATIONALLY knowing that "learning" is good, and being EMOTIONALLY committed to our imperfection and the fact that we can do it better EVERYDAY.
There is a huge difference. Most people SAY they want to learn, and even mean it. But they say it logically, not viscerally...
We had a good discussion - and only lightly connected on the topic... we are going to get together very soon and I am going to push harder ;-)
But, I got back to my desk and felt compelled to write the following on facebook...
Reading and learning to me are like "buying ingredients", and my passion in life is not about filling my cupboards but "cooking up somethin' amazing"!
I love how clear and right that feels for me...
It's not about collecting knowledge...
It's about being sincerely OPEN to change...
It's about being deeply and wholly committed to EVOLVING...
in harmony,