So, if you are following along...

On Saturday, it started with  a beautiful sunrise in a marina in NYC as I started my journey home.  I did arrive in Baltimore at 9:30 and decided to take a short detour to see my cousin Carmen, whom I have mentioned before, before going home to spend the day with my son.

I spent 2 glorious hours with my cousin.  She suffered a virus that put her in a coma 4 years ago, and despite our worst fears and the doctors comments on what would be her vegetative state life, she is thriving.  I had a 2 hour visit with her watching her play video games, communicating with her... She now has little pictures that she can point to so that she can tell you how she is feeling or what she wants.  She is starting to write and can write the answer to where she lives.  And, when she looked at me, smiling big, she pointed with certainty at the box that read "I am really happy!"

My visit to her was unannounced and her eyes radiated with her smile as she saw me.  She was funny and present, and at the same time of being overwhelmed with emotions as I found myself communicating with my cousin again, I couldn't help but think about how she must feel somewhat trapped in her body unable to speak or move more than her arms.  Be grateful for the IS I told myself - and sighed.

We visited her again last night and her nurse showed me a video of her saying "hola" (hi) with a lot of strain... but she is starting to say words.  Truly unbelievable.

It was good that I had come home for so many reasons - the family certainly, but also I am about to step into a helious week of multiple strategy retreats and kicking off the reorg for the one business I am working on turning around...  Having a little more time at home was awesome.

I was in the cab after seeing my cousin on Sunday - I had ordered my Uber and the gentleman who was driving me had stumbled to find the lobby where to pick me up (despite my proactive call to help him navigate it).  He had passed it twice.  I was slightly irked.

When I got in his van he says to me, " I am sorry, but I am going to have to fill up my tank or I may not make it." 

My eyes rolled... "Do what you need to do... " I said, resigned to the fact that it might happen, and aware of what a little inconvenience it actually was that was causing me energy.

I quickly thought to myself, I will buy his tank of gas.  He seems like a good dude.  Why am I in such a hurry... Life is good!

We made it all the way to my house without stopping for gas, but he was clearly a little stressed at the end.  He asked me where the nearest gas station was and I told him carefully.  "Trust me," I said, "I have done this nail bitting last mile to the gas station many times... you will make it."  He laughed.

I gave him a $50 tip on my $30 Uber ride... "Thank you for the ride.  Let me buy this next tank for you..."

... he held the money in a bit of surprise... 

... he paused and spoke slowly... 

His eyes teared... "Thank you sir," he said.  "Have a blessed day.  This is so gracious of you.  This makes my whole week!"

He was surprised and grateful... sincerely so...

$50 is such a minimal sum at this point... and yet it meant that much to him... and possibly in a small way altered how he would experience his week...

How blessed am I to live the life that I am living... how fortunate and I?

"How could you be so self centered" I thought to myself, "that a stop at the gas tank could cause you grief?"

I am committed to being more present, more gracious, more aware...

I had a wonderful weekend.

The challenges that faced me on Friday still face me now.  My son continues to be constantly on my mind, as is my wife and the whole family.  Work continues to stretch me to my current limits... and a heck of a week awaits.

But, my cousin is making progress.

My son is stable for the moment.

Our friends and family are ever present.

My work remains a professional and personal challenge worth pursuing,


my tank is full!

I hope yours is too

as you start your week...

in harmony,




