As I try to figure out where this all goes, I enjoy thinking back to conversations that hit a chord…
This past week I saw a video that spoke about glasses being half full or half empty, and someone saying simply, “It’s a beautiful glass…”
I hope you enjoy this one.
So, it starts and ends with this:
We all seek to live a happy life…
The essence of HAPPY is HARMONY. (Again, I dislike both words because they sound like they come from a children's book. They sound potentially corny or overly simplistic, but I can't find better ones for now.)
HARMONY is achieved IN THE MOMENT, by anchoring ourselves in the "IS", the truth, of the moment. And, from that place of truth - of gratitude and strength, by then moving our energy toward the truth we want and seek.
That's it!
"A Glass Of Water" - perhaps an overused metaphor, but an important one that always makes me think.
Is the glass of water half full OR half empty?
How do I choose to see the world? Or, any given situation for that matter?
I always think to myself, is this a "trick question"? It's not.
My answer:
TRUTH IS - The glass of water is half full AND half empty. It's not an OR. To "choose" to see one side AND not the other is to ONLY acknowledge ONE HALF of the truth… and the truth is the truth.
I see the glass of water as half full AND half empty because it is.
Harmony is not about focusing on the full half. Harmony is about BEING grateful for the the FULL HALF, and then acting on the opportunity to fill the rest!
Disharmony is wishing your glass was already fuller...
It is important to start by seeing the “full” half (or quarter or eighth for that matter) . We must see it to acknowledge and be grateful for it in each moment.
We must see the “fullness”,
in every situation,
in every relationship,
in ourselves…
our gifts, our blessings.
We must acknowledge it - to ourselves and those around us sharing in the moment.
That is where we MUST start if we want to achieve HARMONY. Gratitude for our "FULLNESS" is the source of our strength and motivation. And, importantly we can help each other see it and reach it.
The empty half (or part) of the glass is what creates the opportunity, our dreams.
And, perhaps I want to fill the rest of the glass with vodka, or with Sprite or with Protein Powder. Who says I have to fill it with water? The half of the glass that is empty is the half that I get to create from here! How cool is that? But, I can only see that perspective if I start with gratitude for the fullness.
From the vantage point of the fullness - the empty half is the opportunity.
From the vantage point of the empty - empty is all we see. There is no opportunity, there is only deficiency and negativity.
For those that choose to only see the full half of the glass. They are happy… at least for the moment. But, they don't grow. They don't dream. They don't bounce out of bed in the morning. There is no reason to - the glass is done. They have no additional contribution / purpose to create desire.
For those that choose to only see the half empty side (and few will actually admit to it) - they are victims, they are lost, they are unworthy, they are forgotten, they make themselves irrelevant. They are no fun to be around.
SO - next time you hear "are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person"?
It's not a trick question.
It's a question that matters.
you have been answering it through how you’ve shown up, whether you realize it or not, in every moment of your life (consciously or subconsciously)... So live deliberately and see it for what it is.
It’s FULL. It’s EMPTY. It's both. It is amazing and full of opportunity. It's everything!
Live deliberately… filling your glass.
My cup runneth over…
It’s a beautiful cup…
It’s a beautiful life…
in harmony,
Nestor Benavides