I was talking to a young friend and mentor a few days ago,
and out of the blue, he suggested we do a visualization.
I am not particularly good at visualizations, because I struggle to step out of my rational mind.
“Close your eyes”, he said
“And, imagine that you are you… at the very end of your life…
You are sitting by a beautiful lake,
on a gorgeous mountain side…
… look around…
and breathe…
now as you look down to your right you see a row of people heading up to you…
one by one…”
I was following along as best as I could,
trying to picture a lake
and mountains…
“and one by one those people get close to you,
and they are all of the people
that you have loved,
that you have connected with,
that you have impacted
in your life.
Each one stops for a moment -
you exchange a few words,
an embrace and you say goodbye,
and onto the next one…
one by one…”
Again, I am not good at visualizations,
and even though the lake was somewhat non-descript,
the faces were so very clear…
so many people I have had the gift of knowing,
from my current company,
who are still with us,
who have left us,
from 180s my previous company,
from previous lives,
from school,
old friends,
new friends,
dear friends,
far away friends,
close by friends,
long lost friends,
friends that came and went…
but each and every person caused me pause
and warmed my heart….
my soccer players,
my family…
from Peru
from the US…
my parents,
my wife…
The people just kept coming and coming…
Even after I opened my eyes and we went on with our discussion…
even into the evening…
and even into this morning…
new faces would appear.
So many beautiful souls,
so many priceless gifts,
so many heartfelt exchanges,
such authentic, gracious, easy-flowing love….
My heart was and is full…
So many different chapters…
Close your eyes and join me at the lake…
My life… your life…
is so full of love and impact,
though we spend such little time
reflecting and rejoycing in that truth…
When you think about your current “situation”,
try to find yourself by that lake, not in line to see me,
but on top of the mountain… watching the line of those coming for you…
I am walking up the mountain to see you -
as you are walking up the mountain to see me...
All of the lives we have impacted, influenced, affected
are part of who we are and our “current” situation…
Close your eyes…
Fill your heart…
in harmony,