Be someone who notices the warmth of the sun. 

Someone who runs in the rain... 


Someone who remembers what those you care about, care about... 

someone that remembers what others might want to forget... 


Be someone who speaks from the heart. 

Someone who isn’t afraid to fear the dark... 


Be someone who goes out of their way to say a nice word. 

Someone who cares how others feel...


Be someone who isnt afraid to speak the truth... 

Someone who is working everyday to uncover it.


Be someone who has the courage to cry

and the wisdom to love... 

Be someone who works for much more than money... 

and who gives more than is expected. 


Be someone who pleasantly surprises those you love....

and someone who appreciates uncertainty. 


Be someone who wonders... 

someone who questions... 

and someone who boldly stands for something great.


Be someone who is humble, 

someone who is curious, 




Be someone who dreams...

someone who champions...

someone who reaches beyond the obvious... 

and the easy. 

Be someone who doesn’t give up. 


Be someone who dances after the music stops... 

someone who doesn’t let go first... 

someone who sees others

someone who says thank you

someone who lives thank you...


Be someone who smiles easily

laughs often

thinks deeply

loves purely


Be someone you’d look up to

someone you’d reach out to

someone you’d stay close to... 


Be someone you’d remember... 

Someone you’d love... 

Soneone you’d be

proud of... 


Be someone... 







in harmony, 



