I appreciate those of you encouraging me to write…

It warms my heart when I hear,


And, it also scares me, a little bit.

What if I disappoint you?

I feel like I am living in an alternate reality. It’s funny how we think things are so very “set”… We feel our lives are so very certain… And then, something like this happens…

And, we realize, the TRUTH… the IS of life…

We are all living and skating on thin ice. At best, life is short, make it interesting, joyful, and productive.

But also, life is unpredictable… and in all, but those few unpredictable moments it feels so “certain”… the things we chase, the titles we want, the salary we dream about, the schools we want to go to, or want our kids to go to, the way we want to look…

So little of it matters… they are just temporary goals set against a temporary backdrop, creating temporary drive and temporary stress ;-)

Wow, I sound dark….

But, it’s not how I mean it…

If there is a higher power, maybe this is her way of telling us to slow down and breathe… Or, maybe it’s just the natural progression of organisms to experience this and each of us reflects individually…

Here’s what I conclude… for now…

  1. Life is not as clear, as certain, as “FIXED” as so many of us spend our lives believing… Life is fragile and delicate… and anything is possible!

Embrace that… Celebrate that… Because it IS…

2. The only things I find that matter… is sharing your heart with those around you. Sharing the experience, the fear, the uncertainty, the dreams, the vision… SHARING YOURSELF with the world around you matters. Because through that sharing, you find your own unique way to helping the world…

And, sharing your heart makes you realize you are not alone… Sharing your heart allows you to FEEL life… the vulnerability, the grace, the beauty, the fear… the love.

If you are scared right now… why weren’t you scared a month ago, or two or three… the things that make life uncertain and fragile are always around… whether they come from nature of from each other…

The beauty of life is in large part it’s fragility… but, we are so very often aloof to it… naive to it…

Here is what I know… Here is what I do…

Share your heart and keep showing up. It’s easy to get lost in these days in fear, in silence… I know I often just want to hide in a corner, or take a long nap, and wake up when there is a clearer conclusion to these times we are living… but, that is not how it works.

You show up in every moment, embrace the IS, and step toward the WANT.

How can you make these moments “productive” in new and different ways?

What conversations could you have with your family, loved ones, or friends, that you havent had in years?

What books could you read? What projects could you take on?

Or… what new behaviors could you adopt… what quiet and peace could you enjoy that you haven’t enjoyed before…

These days will move slowly, and when they are past they will be a blink of a memory…

What will they have taught you…

and me…

How will I be different as a result of them?

Because I want to be…

I want to keep growing.

I want to keep learning.

I want to keep evolving.

Keep showing up… and don’t give in to fear.

Keep showing up… and don’t lose faith…

Keep showing up… and be mindful of every place you are “WISHING” that this wasn’t canceled, or “WISHING” this whole thing wasn’t happening…

It IS… and embracing that fully is where harmony starts…

The world is what it’s always been…

It’s you that’s evolving…

In this amazing time…

What is it that YOU want?

When you most feel like shrinking or hiding… OPEN UP!

Share your heart openly, vulnerably, honestly…

and feel the JOY of the unknown… of the fragility… of the possibility….

of this moment.

in harmony,

