All time is not created equal.

It is -

in terms of one second = one second,

as a measurement of time.

but one second of joy does NOT equal one second of anxiety.

Think about that…

One second laughter does NOT equal one second of discomfort.

So quantity is quantity, and quantity ain’t the goal!

That’s why your mindset matters,

the way you process the things in your life

that consume your time -

“consume” your life, or

provide you with your “rich life experience” ;-)

Then there is the concept of FOUND time.

This is a special kind of gift that too often we waste.

FOUND time - I would define as time you didn’t expect to have,

but found yourself having…

Let me give you an example…

You were supposed to go on a three day long training trip you are not very excited about to Detroit in the winter (not trying to throw any shade on Detroit, but couldn’t think of another town). And, the night before the trip - the training gets cancelled… The next morning, you don’t have to wake up at 3:30 am to catch that 6 am flight.

You were supposed to go on a long hike with friends for the day, or be all day at a soccer tournament, but it rains cats and dogs and there is no way you can go outside…

You were supposed to have a three hour meeting on Zoom, and 5 minutes before - it gets pushed a week.

You get the idea.

Any time you had in your mind committed time to something, and it gets “freed” up…

In the most significant of ways…

The doctor tells you you’ve got a serious disease and will only live for 6 months, and your body and the medical procedures buy you years…


Your father and grandfather (or mother for those of you of the female bias ;-) passed away when they were 50 and now you are 50…

and, in the less significant, but still a gift…

Someone shows up late to a 1 on 1 meeting, and you have 10 minutes with “nothing” to do…

Think of this as micro-found-time (but it can be just as joyous - if not more so).


And, we waste so much of it…

I know some of you will shake your heads “I am not wasting it, I’ve got things to do!”

I know… I know…

And, it’s true.

“Waste” is an unfair and judging word - I apoloize…

We use so much of our time suboptimally -

We spend so much of our time “socially distancing” ourselves from JOY -

We fail to unwrap the gift of so much many of our moments…

And, I would argue - that’s ON US - we have so much more control…







How we spend our seconds…

And, how we perceive & experience our seconds that are programmed by others.


What do you do with your time?

How do you spend your own “found” time?

Do you fill it with more noise and tasks and to dos and put it back into the universe of the sprint?

Or, do you choose to read a few pages from a book that has captured your imagination?

Does your FOUND time - lead to more FOUND SMILES & LAUGHS and JOY?

Do you agree it could?

Then how do possibly start to create more FOUND time for yourself?

All I want

is to be more aware -

more conscious -

more awake (even though that word has lately become politically charged)

of how I spend my time…

Because it matters…


A second in silence does not equal a second of noise…

A second of a full heart does not equal a second of fear…

There is time all around us-

It’s in front of us,

it’s behind us…

And, none of that matters…

Those are “virtual” worlds (in the old definition of the word ;-),


In this, the only REAL world -

The only SECOND and MINUTE that matter -

That you can feel, experience, enjoy or disregard and “waste”…






Sit in your own joy…

in the silence of your mind,

listening to the beat of your gracious heart…




in harmony,


