I went to one of our Shift CEO Group Sessions a few weeks back… first time in person.

And, I realized… I am in “in-person” kind-a person.

We were getting warmed up and Joe Mechlinski - our leader and dear friend - kicked off with a thought from Rob Reinbolt…

“When it’s all said and done, what will you have said and done?”

You know me by now… I am all about those questions.
To live with intention - is to live with a mindfulness that life is a limited-time engagement.

I have been struggling with that question as of late.

There is a voice inside of me that wants to create a company that fully embraces my own values - a company that is an example to how the human factor can be celebrated within business…

But, there is a bigger voice that wants a simpler life - and a simpler objective…

The words that came to mind - and that I shared with the group were…

When it’s all said and done - I want to have…

helped those I know and those I love be a little more present in their own journey -

And, I will have told them…

And, I will have shown them…

that they are worthy of love and that they are beautiful souls!

I am aware that the change we wish to be in the world - is influenced rather heavily by the change we wish to experience in ourselves…

Life and the world would be so much more peaceful and beautiful and enjoyable -

if we were all just a little more certain that we were worthy of love and a little more present and joyful in our days…

When it’s all said and done… what will YOU have said and done?

Happy Monday…

In harmony,


