There are moments when I cringe at the thought that I have this much interest in "HARMONY".

After all, I love business.

I am moved by stories of entrepreneurial success. Deeply moved.

I love great strategy. I almost cried when Fed Ex bought Kinkos. They were perfect together.

I have great admiration and appreciation for positive cashflow, decisive competitive advantages, year over year growth and trailing twelve month trends.

I get turned on by a rich and meaningful exploding pie chart or by a well thought out strategic execution plan. It's embarrassing.

I have even been known to read K-10 statements.

I love EXCEL!

So... what is all of this about HARMONY?

It's also true ... I love people. I care about people. But I care about the absolute truth more.

I can't stand letting things go unsaid. I love ferocity in conversations. I enjoy tackling difficult issues with people. I don't mind making people cry if we are uncovering truths.

So, why HARMONY.

When, on occassion, someone refers to me as touchy feely... I cringe. It hurts. I don't want to be that guy. I am not that guy. At least not how most would connote.

Those closest to me know how critical I can be. (P.S. I am really sorry. You know who you are.

I like emotion. I see it as a powerful tool.

Even me! Sometimes even I question whether this topic I so love is indeed... touchy feely... yuck!

And then I remind myself...

Is it touchy feely to apply harmony to increase earnings by nearly $10 million in 1 year?

Nah, I don't think so.

Is it touchy feely to apply harmony to help a friend develop a strategy that generated 30 million in sales in 2 years?

Nah, I don't think so.

Is it touchy feely to use harmony to develop an operational strategy that delivered 99.9% of our consulting reports on time to our clients?


Is it touchy feely to leverage harmony to have almost zero regrettable attrition at our company through the past 5 years?

Or to leverage harmony to convince valuable resources not to leave our firm but rather to double down and help us win?

Or to use harmony to engage motivated and dedicated colleagues to deliver their very best everyday?

Or to use harmony to ssuccessfully sell a company to a strategic acquirer protecting the retirement of a dedicated owner for his lifetime of work?

You see, it is true, this concept of harmony helps us build stronger more productive and caring relationships. It is true that it can be used to help us feel better about ourselves in pursuit of our dreams...

But all of the examples above are true. I have lived them.

Harmony is not "soft". It depends on where and how you apply it. It can be brutal by its candor, but never brutal in the way that disharmony can. It's that pleasurable kinda pain. It's the kind of soreness you get from a good workout.

So... If on occassion the thought or question crosses your mind...

This harmony stuff, is it touchy feely?

Here is the answer.


Touchy feely my A$$! It's as touchy feely as 10 million in earnings per year!
