Does Harmony MATTER?


No, it’s not a trick question.


It’s a question that I ask myself almost everyday.


And, if it matters, does my voice in it matter?


There are thousands of people that are preaching mindfulness.


Many of them, I follow, and I admire.  They inspire me.


Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Dalai Lama, Brendon Burchard, Danielle LaPorte, The Energy Project, Dr. Chapman, Brene Brown, Susan Scott, Ayn Rand, so many TEDx videos, Russell Brand…  the list goes on and on…


And, those are the people that I know… which means they have reached some level of fame…


There are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of individuals who are out there blogging adding their two cents to the pile of mindfulness content that is out there.


Does my voice and my interpretation MATTER?


I am an extremely practical person.  I don’t want to do things that don’t matter.


I have read hundreds of books and have found some inspiration and insight in all of them.


I am one of those people who was looking for THE solution in my reading.  I wanted someone to give me THE single solution to everything that mattered… 


And, I struggled to find it.  Lots of the wonderful books I read or philosophies I heard addressed some aspect of life.  But, none was simple enough, universal enough.


Slowly, I came to my own conclusion of HARMONY.


I don’t “OWN” it.  Can you “OWN” a meal?  I don’t think so.  You can “OWN” a recipe perhaps.  But, ultimately recipes are a collection of things that others have tried, and sometimes its just a different arrangement of known parts.


Recipes are meant to be “owned”… they are meant to be “shared”.


Part of growing up, I guess.


The part of my brain that asks, “Does Harmony MATTER?” Is the part of my brain that is asking what % of the world will ever hear about it?


More importantly, it’s the part of my brain that asks, “Of all of the people who hear it, how many will understand it, embrace it, apply it?”


I don’t know. 


I do know that for X people who hear it…


Less than half of them truly try to understand it…


Most people shift to the “Yeah… I get that, heard that, know that… and they dismiss it.”


It may be 20% of the people that say… “hmmm… tell me more!”  


Of those 20%, I would guess that its fewer than 25% of those that work to actively leverage it in their mindset…


And, of those who do… how many will keep it as a part of their on going tool set and mindfulness to go forward?


So, I am only reaching probably a few hundred people… maybe a few thousand when I reach out on linked in… and ultimately, there may be a handful that is working to embrace it…


Hmmm… should I be proud of a “handful of people”…


IT DEPENDS… (I know… I know… we all hate that answer.)


The issue with that deductive process is that it tends to lead me to DISHARMONY…


Why?  Because it is hard not to “WISH” that more people were embracing it.  You find a potion that heals the soul with a deeply felt peace… and you can’t get people to drink it… It’s hard not to go down the WISHING path…


SO, I reframe it…


I start with ME…  


Does HARMONY matter to ME?  And, the answer to that one is crazy simple. 




It is the source behind every successful and happy moment that I have ever lived.


It is the reason why I no longer fear death, and look forward to every day.


It is the reason why I see so much beauty and love and success in my wake.


Yes, I said it… out loud… I see SUCCESS in my wake.


I see inspired employees.  I see profitable companies.  I see valuable strategic decisions.  I see beautiful, caring, responsible children.  I  see great, loyal and devoted friendships.  I see a healthier and better me than I have ever known…


I am not saying my life is perfect, by any means.


I am not saying I am perfect, BY ANY MEANS.


I am saying… HARMONY works for me, in a way that no single mindset, solution, formula, or recipe ever did.


It is UNIVERSAL in its application. 


It grounds me.


It propels me.


It inspires me.


It energizes me.


And, it keeps me constructing a better, more meaningful and more enjoyable life.


So, it does MATTER …




And, part of my purpose in life, A HUGE PART, is to work to improve the life of those around me… so that we can all enjoy a better, more meaningful journey.


I can only control, what I can control… That is the absolute truth.


So, I can’t make HARMONY matter to you, or to anyone else.


Only you can do that…


Only you can decide if you see value in it.


Only you can decide if you benefit from it.


Only you can decide if you embrace it and apply it and stay with it.


At times I feel silly.  I do.


Here I am, trying to be strong.  I want to be a successful business man.  I want to be valued for my strategic thought, for my ability to execute.  I want my sons to see me grounded, rational, balanced.


And, I know that the concept of harmony “softens” me, makes me “less rational”, makes me more “out there”, makes me “touchy feely”… so many things that we have been taught to believe about “mindful” things…


And, I am OK with that…


I am ok with some people coming to the wrong conclusions about me…


Because, to keep my understanding of harmony to myself would be selfish, would be wasteful, and would be just wrong.


The concept of harmony…


Is the most rational concept that I know…

It is the strongest and most powerful concept that I know…

It is why I am and who I am…


I MEAN IT… with the power and certainty of all of my reason…




So, the question of does HARMONY matter…


Ultimately, isn’t mine to answer.


It’s yours.


Go ahead, you won’t hurt my feelings…



ONLY you can decide.  ;-)

And, if it does, stay tuned... for the most wonderful of journey...

And, THANK YOU for keeping an open mind, and an open heart... and, in so many cases, sharing your journey and your success with me!


YOURS in a most sincere harmony,


