I love early mornings…
I hate being any specific “type” of person, but I am pretty sure that I am a “morning” person.
I love being up early.
I love feeling like I am getting a “jump” on the day.
But, more than that… my mind is clearest in the morning.
This morning I went out without a specific destination. We are in Princeton, New Jersey, where my brother and sister in law live. These are without a doubt, some of my favorite days of the year. We come spend a few days. My brother and sister in law work tirelessly feeding the hungry teenagers (and adults). I get to breathe deep, workout, drink good wine, and just enjoy. I do feel a little guilty. But, it’s all part of it, and I hope to return the favor at Christmas time.
I went out this morning at 6:30 a.m. looking for a gym. My body was a little tired, and I am still a little sick. I had a great run two days ago that I am still sore from, and we walked a lot in NYC yesterday. So, I was just looking for a slow and long weight and core routine to start my post Thanksgiving “wellness” focus ;-)
I found a little gym, OrangeTherapy or something like that. I went in. They don’t allow you to “work out” on your own. They do interval classes. Not exactly what I was looking for – but I am always for something new, and for being pushed.
I worked out hard and as typically happens, I felt less and less stiff and sore as the workout went along.
I then drove down to Princeton. It’s a beautiful and quaint little town. It has a Starbucks! I sat in the back, and was hoping to write this note from there, but my computer was dead L.
Mornings… it was grey and cold… but I still love them.
My mind racing…
I want to write about the progression from opportunity to responsibility that I have seen take over so many friends and family members lives (blog for another time).
I want to write about why we are so afraid of truly leveraging our moments.
I want to write about how we are all like individual camera lenses… trying so hard to find our focus. And, how finding our focus is half the battle… appreciating the picture is the other half.
I want to write about how I finally understand that we all own our own harmony. We own our song. And, that the other songs don’t need to sound like mine. I don’t even need to like them… But, the concept of harmony applies universally.
I want to write about mindless eating.
I want to write about how the moment we stop dreaming we start dying. And, about how in the philosophy of harmony… all you have to do is start dreaming again, and you are born again in every moment.
I want to write about how all we have to do is do what the books say… I want to write about how “wrong” we are by thinking about the concepts of life as “do I know them?” rather than “how well do I live them?”.
I want to write about why we are so fixated on having other people affirm our own song. About why its so important for us (we THINK) that people verify our own worth by liking what we like, valuing what we vaule. But, that keeps us from being able to see the “absolute truth” and leads us into disharmony so much more often than we realize.
I want to write about how I find it so perfect that life is gifted to us, wrapped in every day. The morning for me is the moment we unwrap the day.
As, I get out of the car, sweaty from my workout but full of energy for the day… I walk and look around. What a gorgeous little college town. I love the history, the cold… I think about the store owners who are up early sweeping their sidewalks, and the ones who chose to sleep late. I think about the little pancake house that looks so quaint, that we have never been to. I think about how I have never felt like these kinds of town “belonged” to me. I think about how different my college experience was to this. I think about my son going to college next year. I think about you…
I love you for reading this… for having the patience to join in this conversation… for taking the time, to search and explore… for caring enough about the possibility of harmony to listen to my rants.
I am giving a talk this coming week about harmony. And, I want to ROCK their world.
I love mornings… I love moments, but moments are more amorphous… its harder to know where they start and stop. Sometimes we roll from one moment on to the next without acknowledging the progression and our deliberate mindset through them. But, days… they force us to acknowledge them…
Today, anything is possible. I say to my boys all the time, “Do you know what today is?” They know the answer that is coming up… “It is the first day of the rest of your life!”. I heard that on some TV show ( I think) and I love it. I used to say it half in jest, but now I say it and I mean it.
Every morning we get to unwrap the new gift… the new day.
If you stopped dreaming already… if you are weighed down by responsibility and habit, you may be dreading it… or at best, you may be mindlessly navigating it.
But, today, in this grey and cold day… I will try to start a new chapter. I will enjoy hugging my boys. I will enjoy the drive home… the inevitable laughs in the car. I will enjoy getting home. I will enjoy starting to think about the focus that I need to help set for our company for the month of December. I will enjoy starting a healthier eating cycle. I will enjoy the cold. I will be grateful for this gift. And, for the fact that I have one more day before work starts full speed again.
Life is not perfect. Why would we ever expect that?
But, life is amazing.
I don’t take for granted that in this gift of today, we have a warm and beautiful home, loving family, that we are never hungry, that we are free, that we have tremendous opportunity, that we have harmony in so, so many ways.
In the morning, we get to unwrap the day…
And, the truth is – it can be full of wonderful surprises.
In the morning, we get to unwrap the day…
And, the truth is – it can be a day to dream even bigger than I have before… and start to act upon those dreams.
I am almost 50 and I still dream about the man I hope to be when I grow up.
I am almost 50 and I still dream about changing the world in some small way… even if it means I do it by influencing the lives of a handful.
I am almost 50 and I still dream about being stronger and faster than I have ever been.
I am almost 50 and I still dream about achieving greater harmony in my life… and an even greater sense of peace and happiness.
I am almost 50 , and I have never been in a better place mentally, physically (almost)… and spiritually.
I love the mornings…
Anything is possible again today.
Imagine, if we could truly embrace life as a long string of amazing gifts…
Because it is.
I love the mornings…
And, a strong, bold & black coffee ;-)
Yours in harmony,