I met someone today who told me that philosophy is theoretical and inapplicable.
He said to me, philosophy is just thinking…
There is that concept:
THINKing vs Doing
Ironically, I often think about that balance. OFTEN!
I fundamentally disagree that philosophy is theoretical and inapplicable.
Is there ANYTHING more applicable than THOUGHT?
I so DO NOT want to be a THINKER instead of a DOER.
The world needs more THOUGHTFUL DOING!
How many people, just do? How many companies, just DO? The vast majority of them, just DO. And, how is it going for them?
How many people are truly happy? How many companies are thriving and places where people love to go everyday?
Why would we CHOOSE to DO without THOUGHT?
I was talking to a friend the other night who said to me, I never think about those types of dynamics. I never think about why I do what I do. I just think about WHAT I have to do next. The world doesn’t encourage us to think of the WHY, but that is changing. In this highly technologized world, more books are being sold about mindfulness, Buddhism, thinking processes and other variations of the “touchy feely” stuff. Why do you think that is happening? I believe its because we are getting smarter, and there is more and more data telling us that thoughtful doing is a competitive advantage, thoughtful doing is healthier, thoughtful doing is simply BETTER.
Part of the reason that I don’t like consulting and struggle with the concept of writing a book, is that is more thinking than doing. I often say, how many books have been written on weight loss or great business, and how often do we succeed from reading those books.
HARMONY requires THOUGHT AND ACTION. Either one without the other yields either mental energy waste or random commoditized actions.
Why would we choose not to leverage that which makes us unique, and valuable? Our ability to think, to process information and add value is ultimately what we all need.
I even struggle at times in a service industry as opposed to a manufacturing industry. Service companies are indirect doers, supporting others who directly DO”.
There are two thoughts here that I believe are worth considering:
The world needs more people that think about WHY they should do, and HOW they should do, so that their actions add optimal value. But, make sure you DO. Because DOING is the only way to truly know if what you think is true and works or doesn’t. Take time to think about what you are about to do. Take time to think about why you are doing it. It will not only make you do better, but make doing much more meaningful and satisfying.
2. HARMONY requires BOTH.
Embracing the absolute truth requires thoughtfulness, consideration, understanding – and even purpose and gratitude. But, that is only the nucleus. Harmony requires the energy to expand our absolute truth into who we want to be. It requires ACTION to move ourselves along in the direction of our desire.
Philosophy is only theoretical if it remains unapplied. But, why would we choose not to apply it into our lives.
The world desperately needs YOU… fully engaged… mindfully and actively.
Yours in the pursuit,
Nestor Benavides