As you may have read, I want to mediate. 


I really do.

I have tried it a few times, and like the clarity and freshness that it provides.

But, I am struggling to find the time.


I keep thinking of the quote, “Everyone should meditate 20 minutes per day except those who are too busy.  They should meditate an hour.”  ;-)


I agree.  If I can’t find 10 – 20 minutes per day, am I operating “out of control”?


I try to get up early (most days before 5 am).  I like to work out if I can in the morning, or there is stuff due at work that requires my morning time. 


So, I need to stop making excuses and start…


But, I recently read Steven Snyder’s “Mind Matters” essays.  He speaks of the power of deep breaths. 


And, I have been trying it.


Various times this week, while skiing, I was very stressed.  Stressed about some important issues going wrong at work.  Things I feel personally responsible for, that are in disarray.  Or, sometimes, it was just guilt of not being home.  Anyway, I found myself often really weighed down by these issues.  I was feeling them deep in my gut.


And, I closed my eyes, or didn’t, and I would take a deep breath… a really deep breath.  5 seconds inhale.  5 seconds exhale.  And, then just trying to clear my head and coming back into the moment.  Into the certainty that I need to live and enjoy this moment, and that I will find a way through any issues that arise in the future.


It is amazing how the weight lifts from your soul with one deep breath.


I can literally and physically feel the stress leave my gut and my head.


Now, it doesn’t last too long, but for a few minutes I feel much more present, much more in control, much more in the moment.


I have been doing this now for over a week.  Just pausing in the middle of whatever it may be, and just taking a deep breath, and reminding myself to be grateful for the moment.


It just brings you right back.


Try it RIGHT NOW….


Notice how your gut and head feel.  What thoughts may be crossing your mind?


Now, just, eyes opened or closed, take a deep breath.  Clear your mind.  And say thank you for this moment to just read a thought, to be able to take a breath.  Smile.


Do you feel any different?


I am calling it microMeditation ;-)


I am going to use it.


It’s harmony in a breath.  It brings you back to the moment.  A deep breath embraces the momentary truth and anchors you in gratitude.. and allows you to step again into the next moment.




Maybe it will be a fad…


Maybe it will be our little secret…


It’s harmony in a single breath…


Now lets pursue a long string of them into a lifetime.


Nestor Benavides
