Racism is such a touchy issue… but it should not be…
Race, like gender, is inate to us.
We can’t change being white, or black , or, in my case, somewhere in between ;-)
Mark Cuban tried today to make some intelligent remarks – and I believe he succeeded. And, now following his comments, there is little intelligent discussion following his comments. Instead the media is piling up mainly against him, a few for him.
I want to live in a world where we don’t always have to wear a jersey, and root for one of the two teams.
I want to live in a world, where we realize that not everything is a competition, not everything needs to be right OR wrong. Not everything in life needs to be about rooting for your team and against the other.
We are human beings. We are on the same team.
We are Americans. We are on the same team.
We are brothers and sisters. We are on the same team.
The truth is on sensitive topics… on most topics we don’t have to figure out who is right and who is wrong… we can and often are RIGHT AND WRONG at the same time.
One reporter said Mark Cuban was “Smug, Arrogant, Stupid”. He said that Mark’s comments where “the epitome of dumbness”.
Really? That is intelligent reporting?
Nanny pants on fire.
Sticks and stones.
For those of you who did not hear Mark Cuban’s comments, essentially he said, we all have some prejudice. We all are afraid on some level. We are all biggots on some level.
And, as a general rule, I agree.
He unfortunately said used the “hoodie” remark that immediately led to many shouting “insensitive” due to Trayvon Martin. I get that. And, I still think Mark Cuban’s comments make sense.
I am a believer that the absolute truth is complex and full of ANDs and not ORs. I believe that racism is real and exists in America, AND I believe that it is better than its ever been. I believe that we have made massive strides toward greater equality AND I believe we have a lot more to go.
I believe that AND conversations can be so much more productive than OR conversations.
Mark Cuban also argues that we live in a free country and that we need to be very careful making a billionaire owner sell his team, because he made some offensive, careless and racist remarks.
I do believe that Sterlings comments were horrible and ignorant.
I also believe the man is partially senile.
I also believe that he should NOT be forced to sell his team.
I believe that market forces should be allowed to play out. Let people boycott the games. Let the team go bankrupt, or lose tens of millions in value.
I get that tere is an association and that they should excert pressure on some level, and that the brand is shared. AND, I agree with Mark Cuban, that it is a slippery slope when we expect sensitive morality issues to drive capitalism.
Let the market drive them.
Our history is full of scars. I thank the Lord that I live in a time where we can vote a black man as President of the United States, even if I am not a fan of his politics. I thank the Lord that we can live in a time when we are not persecuted for believing that we are all indeed equal.
Imagine living in a time, like 60 years ago, when you were in the minority if you supported the rights of blacks in America.
I love that the majority now sees the power in equality. I love that racial harassment and inequities are no longer tolerated by the majority.
But, I want to live in a world where we don’t use FORCE to squash conversation and human rights.
Lets use the power of our arguments, of our rationality, of our objectivity, of our empathy, of our humanity to continue to raise the bar for equality and away from gender and racial bias.
Lets use our own imperfections to drive a higher standard.
Lets not pretend to be perfect because we believe in righteousness…. And as a result limit the voices of those who are still attempting to understand.
Every force is met with an equal and opposite force.
If every element of our conversation is fought with force – we don’t construct – we repel.
Invite conversation. Consider that both sides of the conversations are right AND wrong.
Don’t buy a jersey and carry the flag of your side of the conversation.
Lets stop FIGHTING the debate… lets start CONSTRUCTING the conversation and embracing the complex truth.
Lets not be so sensitive on sensitive issues.
Lets accept our imperfection and leverage our empathy not just our raw emotion.
I appreciate Mark Cuban, and I respect those who are willing to scar their reputation in the spirit of exploring the absolute truth and helping us embrace our broader imperfections – in our collaborative effort to raise our own bar even further toward a more equal world.
Until we embrace the absolute truth… we cannot move ourselves into the world that we want to create.
Don't pick a side...
Suit UP!
And, get on the field.
We are all on the same team...
Yours in harmony,