Sitting on a train... after a 20+ hour day... There was a "bridge strike" on the Susquehanna Bridge, and they have to inspect it before we can cross. The messages said 'for an undefined amount of time'. This feels like it could be a really long night...
Started before 5 am to get to the Big Apple for a few client meetings, then went to Philadelphia for evening meetings…
I do love New York…
To me it is the world’s greatest harmony experiment.
Everyone finding their flow, moving to their own beat, in synchronized chaos. The international contingent, the homeless, the business men, the working moms, the construction workers, the police men, the children, the drivers, the guys selling you bus tickets…
Some people listen to their tunes. Some people just zoned out. Some people in intense conversations on their cell phones. Some people lost in the gaze of their partner…
All weaving in and out of each other and of traffic, mostly without missing a beat.
New York for people that appreciate it – is a wonderful orchestra of people achieving their own harmony. You marvel at the magic created from the many integrated yet unconflicting paths – operating in unison.
New York for people that hate it – is a chaotic mélange of people moving in random directions. They are overwhelmed by the many integrated yet unconflicting paths – awaiting the clash.
People comfortable with their ability to jump right in and establish their own flow… love it.
People uncomfortable with their ability to jump right in and establish their own flow… hate it.
There is great dimension to New York City. I get lost in the smells, the sights, the sounds, the options, the possibilities. But, lost in a good way… in awe.
Harmony doesn’t have to pretty or coordinated.
Our lives can mirror Times Square. Mine currently seems to do just that.
Hundreds, Thousands maybe more thoughts moving inside my head at all times in different directions establishing their own paths… moving about in controlled chaos.
All of them trying to find a better frequency… a smoother flow… a clearer path.
Do you feel the harmony in New York?
Or do you feel the disharmony in New York?
Do you feel the harmony in your thoughts?
Or do you feel the disharmony?
Get to New York and walk the streets and look around…
And, imagine if everyone is an instrument, and every moment is a note…
Open your eyes and take in the masterpiece…
For now, I am going to close my eyes, and hope the train starts to move soon...
Yours in harmony,