“No one conversation
is guaranteed
to change the trajectory
of a career or a life,
but any one conversation can.”
Susan Scott
This is an interesting exercise…
To think about the quotes that have inspired me, and “changed my trajectory” over time.
This one is number 2, though they may not be sequential.
One of my favorite books is Fierce Conversations, by Susan Scott. It has several quotes that captured deep life altering truths that I believed but never put into words.
One of the core concepts of harmony is to accept the power of any given moment…
To accept that the ONLY place we exist is in the moment.
This quote for me speaks to our limitless power to alter the course of our lives.
I believe the thing we fight most in life is our own momentum… our own habits, behaviors and the beliefs that drive them.
We stop realizing the “truths” that we have chosen to define our reality. And, we need to question and alter those base beliefs, to then alter the behavior, to then alter our lives.
People that change the world, at some point in their lives, at some moment, decided it was possible.
Or, perhaps at some point, CHOSE a direction, or something to believe in that set their journey’s in motion.
Most people I know simply don’t believe this… or they believe it in their minds but not in their hearts.
They believe in the IDEA that we can change our journey, but at the same time, they believe that things will never change… “I could never do that.
I like discontinuous change… it refreshes my life and my mind.
I want my trajectory to change, more often than it does.
And, that is up to me.
The other concept that I loved from this quote was the metaphor or concept, that life is indeed a “conversation”…
Life happens with the conversation that we have within our own heads, and ideally, out loud with those we love and work with…
LIFE is a conversation…
And, if you open your mind…
If you choose to listen… really listen…
If you open your heart…
And, you BELIEVE in the power of your own being…
You can change trajectory… for the better, or at times for the alternative.
The other insight about this quote is that IF you can figure out how to believe this about and FOR other people, you become so very trusted, appreciated and valued by others. IF you can believe deep down inside that others can change - it changes your tone and your approach to others in a powerful way. You become an agent of hope. You become sought after...
The biggest and most dangerous dynamic that I see in the "conversations" between people is our belief that we cannot change others, or better yet, that others cannot change themselves. We become frustrated by how others are but fail to act as if they could evolve or modify their behavior in any meaningful way.
If we could truly embrace the power of others to change in any given moment, we would live and interact differently... more peacefully, more lovingly, more constructively, more productively, more collaboratively.
SO... DO...
Choose to believe in your own ability to change and grow - AND in the ability of those around you to change and grow... and you will be amazed at what happens.
I also love the concept that no one conversation is GUARANTEED... to change anything. You have to have alot of them. You have to be willing to try things. Even with the greatest resolve, resume, or solution - you may fail or others may fail at changing their own trajectory...
You have to try things as a couple, try different angles to a conversation, different timing, different words, and despite our greatest efforts... they may still not be altered...
It only becomes impossible the moment you stop believing that it can happen!
The power of any given moment to change our trajectory… not change who we are… but change the PATH of our journey…. Is real…
So, my favorite quote… numero dos…
“No one conversation
is guaranteed
to change the trajectory
of a career or a life,
but any one conversation can.”
Susan Scott
Life is TOO short not to try it...
And lIfe is TOO precious not to believe it...
Thank you Susan… yours in harmony,