I didn't want to rush into the day, without sharing a thought with you...
Yesterday was a special day.
The day started with someone sharing the quote with me from Albert Einstein;
"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Yet another way to describe the concept of harmony.
As I watch the sunrise...
As I think about the people I met yesterday and the success they are having, and the changes they are making in the world...
As I think about my dear and caring friends...
As I think about my boys and my wife...
As I think about ALL the people that I LOVE... all the people that I KNOW... and the countless ones that have touched my life in some meaningful way...
As I think about my blessings...
As I think about the opportunity that we have at my company, and the amazing people who fill it...
As I think about my role, my position and my place in the world...
As I think about my ability to breathe and walk...
The fact that we exist as human beings...
The fact that our world exists...
The fact that the sun continues to rise every morning... without burning us...
As I think about the delicate yet unshakeable balance between life and death, between civilization and chaos, between harmony and disharmony, between our left brain and our right brain, between each and every one of us...
Every thing,
Every moment...
I want to live my life appreciating the MIRACLES...
Because they are so very plentiful and awe-inspiring... and EVER-PRESENT!
Each and every one of us is a unique miracle...
OWN YOUR GIFT! Happy Friday!
Yours in harmony,