Our bodies need fuel to survive and thrive...
Physically we need FOOD, we all get that...
But mentally and spiritually, we need ENERGY...
We are not all so conscious of that.
Mentally and Spiritually our mind and our body need to be fed.
Much like our physical body - we can feed off JUNK food or HEALTHY food.
Our minds feed off of negative & critical thoughts OR positive and inspired thoughts.
Think of the newspaper as the "McDonald's" option for our minds. News in general is JUNK food.
The media knows that "JUNK food" in the form of constant negative information feeds our minds... and they feed it to us in heaping eyefulls.
Murder rates going up...
Poverty a huge issue...
Republicans and Democrats insulting each other...
Black vs White and White vs Black...
Shootings in general...
There is plenty of bad news to fill the airwaves.
Our bodies can also feed from GOOD news. It's just harder for the media to sell HEALTHY alternatives. We like pizza more than broccoli... but which is better for our bodies? which is better for our soul?
Some people choose God and religion... and that can be a beautiful thing.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, blind faith in the hands of bad people turns to evil acts.
It is our rationality and our reason that must always be in charge.
Our creator, whoever that may be, gave us the ability to reason, and we must never relinquish that gift. Our creator gave us the ability to make the world better, to love, and to inspire. Why would we choose not to honor those gifts?
I was running along the Potomac two weeks ago, and as my mind went quiet, I was full of energy. I realized while I ran, that "inspiration" is simply our mind embracing that we can be better, we can do better, we can make the world better.
Inspiration comes from feeding your mind and soul "healthy" snacks...
INSPIRATION is simply acknowledging the progress that we have made - and choosing to believe that we can continue to make it better.
TURN THE CLOCK BACK 50 years... 100 years... 150 years... or more...
Yes, everyone owned a gun, and hundreds of thousands died on the battlefield... where we fought over slavery...
I would argue that the concept of living together inter-racially has NEVER been better... AND YES... we can make it even better.
OF COURSE, there is still racism... we are still human... but look back over time and ACKNOWLEDGE our progress!
I would argue that the concept of living together as a world in peace has NEVER been better... AND yes, there are still wars and skirmishes, but there is materially less imperialism in the world and fewer people than ever are dying due to conflicts between nations.
Yes global warming is an issue that we need to discuss and address, and the world has gone through temperature variations through the years that are driven by nature and time. We as a human race are accelerating and destroying that which keeps us safe and ensures our existence, and we must be conscious and deliberately working on it... but we understand those things materially better than we did 30, 50 and 75 years ago.
We continually learn... and we continually apply our learnings...
Yes, there are many places that are very dangerous throughout the world...
And, YES, we should work to make them better... but we ARE... and THEY ARE getting better...
But, that wouldn't sell NEWSPAPERS.
NEWSPAPERS and the MEDIA - MAKE MONEY FROM DISHARMONY! THEY PROLIFERATE DISHARMONY! They fill our minds with news speaking to all that is bad... and the advertisements are out there to make us feel like we are not enough... not skinny enough, not beautiful enough, not rich enough...
BE CAREFUL because we can feed our minds "JUNK" both on the MACRO level of our world at large or on the MICRO level... we can choose to worry about the collapse of a peaceful world or the possibility of our kids not making the travel team...
We can feed our minds with disharmony on the largest possible levels or the most minute of domestic issues... and both create the same affect... disharmony in our hearts, anxiety in our chest, and noise in our minds...
CHOOSE HARMONY on the smallest and largest aspects of our lives...
America is struggling in many ways... but that is the natural cycle of republics... think Roman, Ottoman, British... Great Powers tend to fade... they tend to FORGET those values which made them great, and ultimately they fail to recreate their formula and a "HUNGRIER" republic starts to take on new power... (maybe China...?)
But, we are processing information faster and more transparently than ever...
And, just because in the past empires have fallen, we can continue to reinvent the one that we are in.
The Paris attacks were HORRIFIC, but the response from the world has been INSPIRING... and UNITED. Perhaps those deaths in Paris is what the rational world needed to become more aggressive against the evil of ISIS and Syria...
I have a DESIRE to INSPIRE... because the world needs more voices speaking for harmony.
I have a DESIRE to INSPIRE... because MY world needs to be reminded of the power of reason, and the absolute truth that we are living...
I have a DESIRE to INSPIRE... because it REMINDS ME of the difference between the fear and anxiety that others are trying to feed me, versus the wonderful and amazing world that I live in and the terrific progress that we are making...
I have a DESIRE to INSPIRE... because I understand the power and value of harmony... and I see it strong in our world... we just need to be reminded of LOVE by seeing hate... we need to be reminded of JUSTICE by seeing injustice... we need to be reminded of GOOD by seeing EVIL... we need to be reminded of HARMONY by feeling disharmony.
And, don't let the world fill your mind with JUNK... your soul with JUNK...
Be deliberate with what you feed your yourself...
BE the voice of reason...
ACT with kindness and thoughtfulness...
And, help others understand the difference.
Ignite your DESIRE to INSPIRE... Light the fire of reason and goodness in those you know and love, and BRING DELIBERATE HARMONY into your moments...
Why would you knowingly, choose any differently?