I want to stop sprinting.

I want to live with less urgency and more deliberateness.

I am not sure that I know how.

I think my pace comes from a sense of "I haven't made it yet".

And, when I "make it", I hope I will be able to adjust.  I am confident that I will.

But, why not adjust now.

I am trying - and making progress.

I am still sprinting, but not breathing hard.  It's kind of like I am on a fast moving vehicle, but inside the vehicle - I am taking deep breaths, smiling, and trying to take it all in.

I had an amazing weekend with my boys and my family.

And, as always happens this time of year, I felt the walls of the year-end slowly crushing my breath.

But this old guy is getting smarter.  The walls slowly come in every year, and then in a week, we will once again have a "whole year" to execute our plans.

The desire to grow, to be better, to be wiser, to be happier can sometimes be exhausting.

It's Christmas week.  I will see my parents soon, and my heart will feel full knowing that I am giving then the greatest gift that I can... our time.

I am not sure what Christmas means to you - or whatever holiday you may be celebrating, but take a deep breath today.

Let's hold hands and not sprint across the finish line to the 25th or the 31st out of breath and out of time.

Stroll across the days aware of our great fortune.  

Remember we are free, we are healthy, we are prosperous, we are blessed with so many choices and opportunities that at times it feels like a burden.

But, it's not.  It's a gift.

Deep breaths are such a wonderful thing.  Enjoy them liberally ;-)

There is no tape to break at the end of the sprint... It's not a sprint at all... Let's stop making it one.

Grateful for this amazing year, this wonderful week, and all of these amazing choices in my life...

So many topics and ideas that I want to write about and share, but today, somehow it feels like to do anything more than to be mindful of my pace seems trying too hard.  So - I will leave it at this.

I am learning to love better as I get older.

I am working on being mindful of and deliberate with my pace.

I must keep the voice in my head in check that says, "you haven't made it yet."

I am making it everyday, as best as I can possibly can.  

I am working to unwrap my days and my gifts slowly.

It's the greatest gift we can give ourselves and those we love.

Set the right pace.... The pace of harmony. 

The pace that doesn't leave you wishing for a different one.

Take a deep breath.


Feel it?

