I was reading Facebook, as I was flying yesterday to the West Coast.

“What message do you amplify in the world?

Does the sound that eminates from you
move us toward thoughtfulness and love,
Or does it move us further apart toward intolerance & hate?”

That was the thought that came to mind and the words I posted.

And, as I did, there was a beautiful little girl, probably somewhere between 18 months old and 24 months old looking at me from the seat in front. 

She had a grumpy face on – and so I put on my grumpy face.

She looked scared… and then I switched my face to a big smile.

And quickly, her fear went away and she had a big smile on her face.

And, then I put on my grumpy face again.  And, she looked anxious and fearful, and she put on hers.

And, then I smiled again, and I could see relief on her face as she smiled happily again.

The emotions that we convey and AMPLIFY into the world MATTER.

They move people toward their grumpy face and fear and anxiety,

Or toward their peaceful place and hope and smiles.

I wanted to just leave my post as just the first line…

What message in the world do you amplify?

Think about it.

Do we realize the power that we have to change the world?

More than EVER before, we as people set the narrative, and more importantly we AMPLIFY the narrative.

I am fairly certain, that virtually EVERYONE on my facebook friends list wants a better world.  In fact, I am sure of it.

The question becomes HOW DO WE ACHIEVE a better world?

In my simple mind, I would argue we do it, one conversation at a time.

Horrible things happen in the world… and it feels like moreso recently than in years past.

(By the way, I don’t think there is more bad today than before, just different bad).

What does concern me… more and more, is that the world, thanks to social media, is being controlled by the narrative of the masses.  And, the masses don’t seem to realize the good they could be doing, or the harm…

A friend of mine posted an article that Muslims were complaining that there were Muslims complaining about crosses hanging in Catholic Universities.  I am not sure how often that is happening, but I can’t imagine it is extensive, and I can’t imagine that will go far.

I think its INSANE that ANYONE would complain about too many crosses being at a Catholic school, but I am sure someone did.

It’s one example of many… with billions of people on earth, irrational, illogical, ridiculous, horrible, extreme, non-sensical things are going to happen.  And, more and more with social media, we give them a bigger stage than they deserve.


Because the narrative and the approach on social media is not about CONVERSATION, it is about destroying the opposition.

What % of Muslims do we think have an issue with crosses being hung at Catholic Universities?

What % of Catholics do we think have an issue with Muslims immigrating into the United States?

What % of Muslims do we think are terrorists?

What % of Catholics do we think are racist?

WHO CARES?  I would not amplify any of these messages… as they do nothing to create a better world, simply a more divided one.

I am NOT saying stay away from hard conversations – quite the contrary.

I am NOT saying don’t tell people what you believe – quite the contrary.

I am NOT saying agree with things that go against your values – quite the contrary.

I am saying AMPLIFY the narrative, the conversation that HELPS those around you understand why you believe what you believe.

I am saying AMPLIFY the narrative, the conversation that HELPS possibly bridge the differences that divide us, or at least explores possible opportunities for intelligent compromise.

Imagine if the world is divided into two sides, and each side simply TURNS UP the volume of their opinion.

The possibility of understanding, of compromise, of peace, of a better world becomes less and less possible.

It becomes harder to hear what anyone is saying.

It becomes harder to separate emotion from reason.

It becomes more a more of a we / they – you are with me or against me.

And, it becomes a scarier place.

I can’t believe that is the solution Jesus would have chosen.  Or any of the gods that so many of the arguing religions worship.

NOW REALIZE THIS... this same dynamic occurs in our conversations

WITH OURSELVES, in our own minds.

WITH OUR COMPANIES, in the discussions we have between two people or in larger groups,

And, certainly in the world...

The concepts of harmony apply to all of it!

TURNING up the VOLUME and AMPLIFYING the disagreement does nothing for you, for those who agree with you or those who disagree.  It simply makes it harder to hear.

And, that is what so many are doing - AMPLIFYING the divisive narrative.  Often, choosing small instances that have no statistical significance in the world, but help drive a greater wedge in the conversation by taking a small minority of extremism turning it into a mass fear through amplification.  By choosing to give the divisive narrative importance, regardless of its statistical or strategic significance.


What you THINK matters.

And, what you AMPLIFY matters most.

Realize your part in the conversation that is going on in the world.

And, you decide…

What do you choose to amplify?  And, will it possibly bring us closer – or is it part of the noise that is making us more and more deaf.

Divisive is Disharmony.  Be honest – but help us move from our current situation toward our want… toward understanding through a combination of empathy and reason.

Don’t amplify the noise of disharmony.

Put on your caring face to the world, and smile BIG.

Maybe, just maybe... people, including YOU, will start feeling a little more peace, and the possibility of a smiling more understanding world.


