The word is so over used, that I don't know that it means anything anymore.
You've heard all of the horrible things that it can do to you physiologically. And, I have also read that stress is necessary and that without some of it in our lives we would die.
Who knows?
I just know that I try to be mindful of my mindset.
When I struggle to get out of bed early, call it what you will, but its a deep seated reluctance to face the day.
When I go to bed, unexcited about the next day or week ahead, I know I'm not in the mental place that I want to be.
I don't know what stress feels like, but I do know that some days life PULLS me along like a great wave on a sunny day. You ride it and smile big.
Other days, it feels like you are swimming and paddling... you have to PUSH yourself through the day, hoping to find a little current that is moving in your direction.
It's all part of it.
I think it's human to want to ride the wave, as much as it is human to occasionally get tired of paddling.
Business and life to me is a puzzle that we are constantly solving... and the more you solve the more it grows. It's like a great game on your iPad, the more levels you conquer, the tougher levels you face ;-)
I don't know what stress feels like, nor do I much care. I don't like the concept, nor the word.
LIfe's not supposed to be easy, and everyday is not supposed to be the same. How UNFUN would that be? :-)
Someday's you get PULLED and some days you have to PUSH through...
It's life.
I saw a post this morning that said, "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for..." Unknown.
I'll take a deep breath, reset and remember the countless blessings that I have to be grateful for (and there truly are so very many), and be happy to be in the water on a sunny day ;-D
Surf's up!
Yours in metaphoric harmony...