I am tired of Monday's feeling heavy and similar...
There is a little part of me that knows that there is an opportunity that I am not tapping into.
The thought came to me this morning...
If I am not willing to show up with more courage TODAY.
If I am not willing to be smarter TODAY.
It's NOT a brand new day...
It's the same old day over and over again.
Too many of my days lately fail to be BRAND NEW DAYS.
Challenges at work persist.
My weight keeps inching up in the wrong direction.
My mind keeps wondering in moments of disharmony.
I KNOW that I can change this in a moment.
Behavior change requires courage, conviction and action. And, I am failing on all three.
HARMONY doesn't come from knowing that you need to be in the moment.
HARMONY doesn't happen from anything other than - EMBRACING your reality, DEFINING your want, and MOVING your moment in the direction of your want. (And, staying away from wishing of course).
I am failing to move my moments in the direction of my want, because I am lacking courage and discipline.
And, that leads me to resenting myself.
That leads me to anger and helplessness in those moments.
So, I take a deep breath knowingly.
I take a deep breath knowing that harmony is a moment away.
Success and happiness comes not only from gratitude but from courage and discipline. The courage to show up differently in the world. The courage to APPLY what you are learning. And, the discipline to know the difference and show up every day and attempt it again.
It's a brand new day.
Progress takes courage.
Harmony takes courage...
Courage to CHANGE!