I know you don't want to hear more on this election, but there is a dynamic that is going on that is so very, very dangerous...
This is not about who you choose to vote for - but what you choose to believe about America in the process...
When Bush beat Gore in 2000, I wondered how the "hanging chad" issue would be resolved. The supreme court had to rule - and ruled in favor of Bush. I was glad. And, then Al Gore was elegant and humble. He told the country that the process was complete, and that George Bush was our President. And, he stepped aside and let Bush lead. And, he did... gracious in defeat.
I was so impressed with the United States. For all of our faults, this would not have been so easy in any other government in any other country. This was the source of revolutions in other countries, and in the US it was a tense moment, a tight vote, and a gracious stepping aside - for the good of the country.
I have read over the years that the CORE of a democratic system is TRUST. Without TRUST, you cannot have DEMOCRACY. It is the LACK of trust that creates the lack of foundation on which other societies operate, primarily third world countries. Without trust, societies cannot operate in peace, in order...
Donald Trump and his campaign has been poking at "TRUST" in many ways since its inception. And, is now going all out using DISTRUST in government, in media, in the system to embolden his supporters. The damage that will do to our country is unprecendented.
I wonder how Donald will handle a loss in a few weeks? It speaks to the man, in so many ways. Because he "doesn't lose" the only way it can happen is if the "system is rigged", which he started to insinuate months ago and now is headlining his campaign.
The TRUST in government and the system has been what has made this country great, EVEN THOUGH the government has so very many issues.
There is a massive difference between a government pushing toward socialism, and a corrupt government. There is a massive difference between disagreeing on "pro-life" vs "pro-choice" and a corrupt government. There is a massive difference between "big government" vs "small government" and a corrupt government.
Donald is rallying millions and millions of American's behind a growing fear of corruption and theories of conspiracy... Because his ego could never allow him to accept that maybe who he is - represents an issue to so many.
I do NOT like Hillary Clinton. I have said that many times. I do not like the direction that she will continue to drive the government. And, that right now is irrelevant.
This is not about who you are voting for - but what you choose to believe about America in the process.
The country is changing as the world is changing. Change happens continuously and fluidly - always. NOTHING ever stays the same...
Immigrants happen - and there are many amazing ones, and many average ones, and some evil ones. Holding up "Steve Jobs" as the reason we should keep our borders open, to me is an insane as saying that all Mexicans are criminals and rapists... There needs to be a diligent process to assess people coming into this country, and it should be a reasonably rigorous process. And NO, illegal immigrants should not benefit from our tax dollars.
Government begets government - and the larger it gets and the more that it gives money away and creates more infrastructure the more it demands to feed itself... the more it raises taxes.
That is why empires fall... because they lose their focus... they lose the FIGHT that makes you great. They get complacent and the money from those who fight hardest goes toward those who don't fight at all, and more and more people feel entitled.
AND, there are great things happening in America. The progression of 'equality for all' has progressed materially, and people do see more and more past color and race.
The truth is complex. The country has made tremendous progress in our lifetime, and it has gotten "fat" at the same time, and we all expect a quality of life that is unreasonable to sustain as a country - if we continue to allow too many to live it without earning it.
And, this is the balance that the world has forever been attempting to navigate...
The balance of altruism with enabling... The balance of charity with entitlement... The balance of generosity with self-reliance.
These problems aren't new. And, no one person is to BLAME. These are problems of an evolving and maturing country with HIGH standards and AMAZING values and a diverse population.
I agree with the economic problems that Donald Trump sees, and in many ways with his proposed solutions. And, the way he addresses them, defined by who he is, is precisely why I cannot vote for him. And, I respect that many will.
What I ask you to consider - whomever you are voting for is this... DISTRUST of our government and our voting process is a seed that we are watering that will grow deadly weeds in our garden... and start a movement that will have a MUCH more damaging affect to American democracy than immigrants ever will.
I am NOT saying the government is perfect or void of some "bias"... I am saying that in total the government works - and keeps itself in check. And, the media helps. Do we really believe that if there was widespread corruption of any kind it would not be reported? Do we really think CNN would choose Hillary over profits and eyeballs? No way! Do we think FOX news would not release EVERY fact they could possibly find to prove it?
Watering the seeds of distrust in the government is a danger that has already been exposed, and we now must address.
All government has some level of bias. It is made up of human beings. And, no government is as balanced as the American government. The multiple branches ensure a balance of power. Just because more and more publications, organizations and individuals (from all parties) support one candidate over another doesn't mean they are biased or corrupt... it means that the rationality of the majority is being heard.
It's not about corruption, it's about democracy.
TRUST, and the believe that the majority (balanced by states electoral votes) will ultimately steer us in the best direction...
THAT, above all else, is what has made AMERICA GREAT...
So, if we want to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN... what we must do above all else is reinforce, reinstate TRUST as the foundation of the election and beyond. NOT blindly, but rationally.
Watering the seeds of distrust and the myths of corruption will be the end of America as we know it, and ironically, the man that professes to "Make America Great Again" is leading that charge.
DANGER in harmony,