I was commenting to my wife just the other day...  and just yesterday to my dear friend as we played a beautiful day of golf... 

I often look inside myself for answers, for strength, for purpose

And it leaves me feeling empty... 

While perhaps with noble intent, I spend too much time looking inward. And I spend too much time considering my own needs, my own concerns, my own existence.

while I am convinced that we must find our peace from within ourselves, .. 

i'm starting to see that I must look outside of myself for purpose, and for meaning...

that might be the magical balance

perhaps as simple as keeping your head down or lowering your left shoulder during your golf swing. ..

perhaps my slices and my hooks in life come from looking inward for meaning when I should be looking outward. 

i'm going to try that for a while and let you know how it goes. 

perhaps that is how my wife lives, putting myself and my boys first.., and why she seems to struggle so much less than I do.

maybe ironically I've just been looking in the wrong place for all these years...maybe finding my purpose is that simple after all. 

maybe my purpose in my meeting is 

my Beautiful wife

my loving boys

my dedicated colleagues

my dear friends

Those wonderful young soccer players

The unforgettable memory of my sisters

my aging but ever gracious father and mother

and the kind soul that I bump into at random walking down the street

that feels so right

my strength comes from within

but my worth comes from my purpose in my purpose are my peeps :-) 

if my worth is the love I have within my heart

then I doubt nothing

Then I have everything

If my love is my worth

Joy is simply expressing it

happiness is simply experiencing it

And Harmony just simply living it...


could it really be that simple...

could it really be that powerful...

Here is to living life right down the middle of the fairway...

with a full heart

and a peaceful mind

in harmony



