I was thinking yesterday...

Would a bud ever deliberately choose not to flourish into a flower?...

If it understood that it could?

As human beings,

if we stay in a learning mode,

if we look around and embrace all that is possible to us,

Why would we ever deliberately choose not to flourish...

into a more loving, more understanding, more patient, more focused, more caring, more productive, more generous, more peaceful soul...?

Ego and fear are the only two forces that keep us small and dark...

Curiosity and love are the forces that help us flourish...

Not only choosing gratitude, but making the most, seeing the best, finding the beauty and seizing it in every moment is what allows us to flourish... as only we can...

I write about harmony because I understand and feel the difference daily between harmony and disharmony...

I see people who are fully committed to curiosity and love, and I and am drawn to them...

I admire them as anyone would admire a gorgeous flower, in a fertile garden on a Spring day...

Would a bud ever deliberately choose not to flower, if it knew that it could?

Would you?

DO you?

In harmony,



