The first chip out of a Dorito's bag...

The first bite of a delicious dark chocolate truffle...

The first bite of a meat lover's pizza...

The first time you hold a girl's hand... or feel your lips on hers.

The first time you walk into your new home...

The first time you see the sun set over the ocean...

You linger in the moment.

Every cell in your body is engaged in the sensation, the flavor, the joy... the experience.

And then, the last...

The last chip in the bag...

The day you walk out of your home after you sold it, and it is empty and sad...

The last sunset of a beautiful vacation...

The last time you hold your sister's hand and say goodbye...

You feel it...

Life, however, is 99.9999% in betweens...

You only get one first day, and one last day...

You only get one first bite and one last bite...

As we near the Thanksgiving Feast,

I love the possibility of being specifically grateful for the "inbetween"...

For all of the moments and bites that nourish us, between the first and the last...

That is why I love the sunrise and the sunset...

It's nature's way of giving us a very frequent fresh start.

And, imagine, if I could be the kind of person who was able to reset my mind,

to bring more of the FLAVOR of life into every bite?


They call it mindfulness...

Some call it harmony ;-)

I am not particularly good at it... but I see the possibility of it.

This Thanksgiving, I am going to work to be conscious and grateful for all of the second bites...

For all of those opportunities to experience joy that I allow myself to miss,

and I am going to try to miss them less.

If I can truly, sincerely embrace gratitude...

When I can truly, sincerely embrace harmony...

IMAGINE the possibility... the boundless joy... the  wonderful LIFE that we can all enjoy,

if we stay mindful and


with the awareness & wonder of every first?

Take a deep breath

filter out the noise

before you take each next bite

of life...


taste the deliciousness of it,

feel the nourishment of it,

find the magic in it...

And, realize


is ALL of it...

in Thanksgiving, and

in harmony,


