I love looking into people's eyes. ..  The eyes, they speak of everything.

I've heard that when people met Ayn Rand, author and philosopher, what they remembered most about her was her eyes... dark, intense, piercing and curious. 

I often think about the line from Tony Montana in Scarface, "The eyes, Chico, they never lie."

The nucleus of harmony is truth and nothing convey's a person's truth as clearly as their eyes...

I was in a long line at airport security this morning and was lost in getting to know each person around me by looking into their eyes... 

Above all else I feel like a person's warmth, curiosity, focus, purposefulness, deliberateness.. come across through their gaze.

What do your eyes convey to those around you? 

Look deep into the eyes of those you love...

And, let them speak.  Let them move and inspire you...

