I miss writing when I don't...

I am in this interesting moment where I have this teenager's appetite for learning.

I am not sure if I have ever been reading more books at one time.

I don't recommend that - but the invention of the digital book makes jumping from one to the next a little too easy.

One book that I have read, re-read, and recently re-read again is called "essentialism" by Greg McKeown.  It is an absolute MUST read.  

It won't tell you anything that you don't already know... but it will push you, encourage you, motivate you to do the things you know are right to do in how you think about and live your life.

I came across one chapter called "FOCUS:  What is important NOW?" which speaks so clearly about harmony.  Harmony works to tie the two together.  His chapter stresses the being present in the now... and find the magic of tying the now into our vision for the future.

It makes me more certain that harmony is the core of success and happiness.

I love the book - and I am so convinced that it's not just about BEING in the moment, but deliberately using moments to propel us forward.  It's not that I am not considering what is important tomorrow and beyond... it's that I am ACTING in the now...  boiling the FUTURE vision into PRESENT action.  That is harmony.

It also makes me more certain that the concept doesn't belong to me... it is the common denominator of great understanding.  Harmony is simply my interpretation, my experience, my take on the "absolute truth" of what I believe success is for all of us human beings.

"Life is available only in the present moment.

If you abandon the present moment, you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply."

Thich Nhat Hanh

This is the quote that opens up the chapter (the book is full of wonderful quotes).

It talks about "time" and explains that in Greek, chronos is quantitative time, and kairos is qualitative.  "Kairos is only experienced wihen we exist in the now."

I love the concept of talking and experiencing time in different ways... because the little stop watch that is in my head ticking away my life isn't the one that brings me peace and joy.

Greg writes...

"Nonessentialists tend to be so preoccupied with past successes and failures, as well as future challenges and opportunitiies, that they miss the present moment."

"When faced with so many tasks and obligations that you cant figure out which to tackle first, stop.  Take a deep breath.  Get present in the moment and ask yourself what is most important this very second - not what's most important tomorrow or even an hour from now. "

I LOVE reading ideas that make me pause.... wait... did I just read that or did I just think that... I've thought that all along.  When authors articulate your thoughts in clearer terms.... when they bring our ideas and values and fears to life.... we connect.  

We are no longer alone in feeling  or experiencing it  - nor perhaps in solving it.

If I could only read one book in my life - this is high on the list that might make it.

When I spoke for the first time about Harmony I used the metaphor that feels so very real...

I FEEL LIKE I HAVE LIVED MOST OF MY LIFE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME...  and, I end it by saying, "My whole life - I've always been 'a moment' away from home.  And, I am home in harmony."...  I love that metaphor because it feels so very close to the feeling of disharmony...

Greg writes at the end of his chapter on Focus...

"Mindfulness helps you go home to the present."  

And, the concept that harmony begets harmony is at the core of the concept...

Greg finishes the chapter with the following sentence...

"And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes."

If you have a chance pick up a copy of "essentialism"...

So many voices telling us a similar approach... and so many forces of our human condition constantly challenging them...

Give in...

To harmony!


