The truth can hurt...

But, the truth is still the truth.

There is a website called, "Glassdoor".  

If you are an executive and you haven't visited it - 


It's essentially a place where employees or ex employees can go write their opinions about your company.

It's a place where potential hires go to check out your company - and it's public information about what people who have worked for you (in all likelihood) think.

While EMG has a 3.6 star rating, most of the reviews that are shown are the two stars or less.  I think there is some marketing intelligence that goes into it - but I have no desire to be cynical.

There are many negative comments about me and EMG out there (and there are a few good ones)...

I am often mindful of how I react when I read the new reviews.

Many executives, both in our company and out, tell me, "Ehhh... don't worry about that nonsense.  it's just angry people venting."


"You can't make everyone happy!"


"Those are the disgruntled employees."

The gist of what almost everyone tells me is - 


But, that is not what my mind tells me.

These are the candid thoughts of MY employees.... about MY company.

How could I NOT care?

Now, I don't know that I "worry", because I really have no idea what "worrying" does for me, or anyone for that matter.


I smile...

You don't think that when someone calls me out BY NAME on a website, about the lack of efficacy of my own leadership that I should TAKE THAT PERSONALLY?

Then, with all due respect, WHAT should I take personally?

Now, be careful here... listen to my words carefully.

I DO CARE like crazy about those reviews and I do take them very personally.

AND, I do not "worry" about them, and I do not "get depressed".

These are the candid thoughts of our employees.  I do realize that people that tend to be motivated to publish their thoughts are most often inspired and motivated by dissatisfaction and disappointment, and only occasionally by positive exchanges.  

So, I get that this is probably some of the more negative perspective of people working for our company.  But, that doesn't make it any less true.  

Because it doesn't represent, necessarily, the majority's experience in tone... it very well may represent many people's experience in general.

So, I read it carefully.

And, the truth hurts.

It's not the first time that I have heard most of it.

And, that makes it more painful.

Not because I feel sorry for myself.

Not because I think its unfair.

Not because I want people to like me.

Not because its not TRUE.

It hurts, because it's my JOB to FIX IT...

And, I haven't... yet.

And, that means that I am failing at their expectation.

This is not me feeling sorry for myself - this is me hearing the fact that we have more work to do, and that the progress of our efforts are inadequate, at least by these individuals accounts.

Now, I know that the market is competitive, and pricing is tight.

I know that we hold a high bar for quality.

I know that we are stuck in our ways.

I also know that we are trying more new things to be effiicient and progressive than any other large company in the market.

I also know that we haven't had a late report on the transactional side in OVER a year, because we are demanding of our team.

And, I hear loud and clear that many are dissatisfied with our leadership, our progress and the experience they have had with us.

I know that many people see our efforts and know our intent.

And, I know that our efforts and our intent, are only worth so much, and that ultimately - those things MUST show up in our results and in the experience of EMG to be worth a damn.

I love that glass door exists - because its the truth...

It's not ALL of the truth - but it's an important part of the truth.

It hurts - because it is true.

It hurts - because I see it as my role to ensure that those who work for my company have a positive and meaningful experience.... and when I fail them, I fail me.

And, I don't turn the other cheek, I don't discount the feedback, I don't look to blame other external factors of competitive markets...




My goal is to have lots more positive experiences for our employees in our company than negative ones.

I believe many of our employees do have positive experiences.

And, too many still don't.

I wake up everyday with that as my primary mission - to run the company intelligently, with care and concern, to not only INTEND to give people the opportunity for growth, but to truly have them experience growth.

I am not naive enough to think that I can make everyone happy.

I am not naive enough, nor egotistical enough, to expect everyone or most people to like me.

I am not naive enough, to expect to change the direction of the company in a few days or weeks.

I am naive enough to believe that I can succeed... and the day that stop thinking that, I will vacate my role.

Truth is - we have been at it for a while - and many people are getting inpatient with the pace of our progress... and I hear them.

I know that where we are headed can and will address many of our challenges... but I need to be mindful of delivering more tangible results as we go, to keep the majority engaged.

I know business is hard... and succeeding and growing over time, even harder.

But, that doesn't make me less grateful for the feedback, or less willing to consider it.

The truth can hurt...

but the truth must be the basis for our efforts,

and candid feedback can and should be the greatest measure of our success.

I read the feedback and I own it and I embrace it - 

because that way, when we do see the tone shift and progress acknowedged...

then I will be able to own that as well - and feel the deep pride that will come that kind of success.

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... or something like that.

And, those with glass doors should look at what's inside...

and use those stones to build a new and more solid foundation.



If you can embrace it.

In harmony,

