I never saw the movie, "Waiting To Exhale"... but I think about the title often.
Do me a favor...
Take a deep breath.
NO! I mean a really deep breath.
Doesn't that feel great?
Be mindful today of your breath. How often are you holding it, just for a split second? How often are you breathing quickly or short? How often are you mindful of it?
Our days happen on at least two levels... there are the immediate, real time situations that you deal with that affect you, and there are the bigger issues that underlie your awareness... both, I believe affect our breathing...
I know what the two fundamental issues are that make me hold my breath. I can't share them with you just yet. They are not bad in any way, just real. They aren't going away anytime soon... I just need to learn to breathe THROUGH them...
Join me today, in being aware of our breathing...
Check in with yourself, on the hour, and take a deep breath... and really feel it.
I am absolutely living too much of my life, "waiting to exhale"...
Breathe with me...
Little by little.
in harmony,