Friends... I am not writing for my health...
(Well - I kind of am... writing improves my well being)...
But, my point is, this is not a NICE conversation about apple pie, joy, vanilla ice cream and lifetime meaning...
It is LIFE ALTERING - if you join the fight... embrace the struggle and persevere.
It is a long journey to harmony, and one that requires brutal honesty with yourself and those around you, and it never stops. Once you conquer one level, the next one appears right away...
And, sometimes a moment hits you that pushes you down one level or two and you have to climb back again.
Don't read these conversations to smile while you drink your coffee... read these conversations to figure out how to live a life of meaning, greater joy and fulfillment... but it takes stamina... and it takes a deliberate desire to understand the difference between harmony and disharmony.
When you are struggling, when you are down, when the days or situations are painful to push through... BE THOUGHTFUL...
And, then realize anytime we don't accept our "IS" in life... in a given moment... we fall into disharmony,
Until you accept your IS... no amount of "wanting" will work.
Life is a conversation.
It is in motion.
There is no status quo.
It's either getting better or its getting worse.
And, I would argue that no progress IS progress because status quo doesn't exist, and deterioration is a lot worse.
No progress is progress because if nothing else it makes you smarter to your IS while not giving you a more difficult situation to solve, so if you are engaged and paying full attention, time helps!
HARMONY is incredibly difficult... for some of us more than others... but it's impossible or random at best if you aren't dedicated and committed to exploring your thoughts honestly and evolving them in the right direction.
Life will always have it's challenges and aspects that are simply NOT the way you would have designed it... And, it will be most painful & difficult when it deals with those you love most... YOURSELF included...
But, DIG, DIG, DIG...
You are here so you feel something about this conversation.
Don't patronize it - or let it patronize you.
EMBRACE the concepts of HARMONY into your life... and then stay in the conversation... keep evaluating your IS and live acting on your WANT....
Don't MANAGE the world around you... FALL IN LOVE with it objectively... SEE the beauty in it... and then take action to make it MORE the world you want to live in... and step into the next moment... realizing the "EXACT" world you want to live in doesn't exist.
ONE moment at a time...
Know for certain that I am not writing to be popular, nor to make money... I write to stay in the conversation... I write for no other reason than to share & resolve my own struggle, my lessons, my success with harmony... so that hopefully & possibly you will see something that will allow you in some way to gain momentum along your own journey toward a more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life. I ain't quitting my day job ;-)
So, don't give up on it!
First COMMIT to it!
This SH&T is SERIOUS...
and, in my mind, in my experience, it is without doubt THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL FOR THOUGHT that I have ever known...
perhaps other than unwavering faith in the ALMIGHTY.
... perhaps they are one and the same...