So the text this morning read,

"Se murio el Tio Alejandro."

(Uncle Alejandro died last night)...

He wasn't doing well.  He was only 78ish.  But, I wasn't expecting it.

He was an exceptional man, a man devoted above all else to his wife and children, and his profession.  He was a curious man, a generous man, a simple man.  

But he was pure - and his love was pure - and his soul was pure...

He was my aunt Ileana's husband - and their relationship stands possibly above all others in my life about what a marriage can be... should be.  He loved her - deeply  - completely - unconditionally.  

He was always excited to see me when I visited Lima.  He would make time for me. He would make me feel so very SEEN.  We would go work out together and lift weights - then go get a big ceviche.  He LOVED to eat, but was always skinny, always disciplined... except for desserts.  If you invited him over for dinner - there would almost certainly be a finger swipe of any dessert prior to it being served.

He loved his desserts - almost as much as his wife and children.

He was a man of principle - who is one of the beautiful mentors in my life, in ways I didn't fully realize years ago.

 He was the one who never wanted for a nicer car, a bigger house, a nicer watch... a bigger title.  None of that stuff mattered to him... at all.

What mattered to him was spending time outdoors walking in the park, admiring the trees, the green, the squirrels... It mattered to him to swim in the cold ocean... it mattered to him to feel alive. It mattered to him to be with his wife and spend time with his children and his grandchildren.  Oh - his family matttered so very much.... so completely.  It mattered to him to learn - to understand... He would light up when he figured something out - and he was constantly reading.   He was one of the most curious men, I've ever known...  It mattered to him to know better.

He had an amazing life - one of the wealthiest men I've ever known - and money had NOTHING to do with it.

I'm sorry I didn't learn more from him... but maybe it's not too late.

These are the moments that distance hurts... not being able to share in the moment with my cousins, his kids, who are two kindred and beautiful spirits.  These are the moments when not being able to hug them and be there for them... hurts.

Thank you Tio Alejandro... for being exactly who you were... one of the most beautiful men and human beings that I have ever known... You lived an amazing life... You set an example... 

Thank you Tio...

Perhaps the greatest lesson that you ever taught me... I am just now able to learn & appreciate...

Remembering you, will always inspire me to be a better man...

Tio... Adios!

In harmony,


