What is “intimacy”?

How would you describe it? 

We often mention it as a word, but do we agree what it is we are talking about? 

In the past, I would have said that it is sharing your inner most self...

your most vulnerable self...

That is not a bad definition, but likely not a great one either.

”Intimacy” as a word, we tend to reserve for our spouse, our lover... yet in so many relationships, the person we are supposed to be most intimate with is the one we are most afraid to be vulnerable with... 

Again, in listening to Dr. Sefali Tsabari, I found wisdom.... or at least a different clarity with respect to intimacy. 

She defines “intimacy” as the lifelong journey and the momentary act of shedding of our superficial self for our TRUE, authentic self.

Pretty powerful... 

She makes it clear that intimacy happens for us in many ways... and it starts with ourselves... 

To what extent do we engage in thoughts and conversations on our own, about who we truly are?  What is our true self? 

If we don’t have some level of that conversation with ourselves, how can we have it with anyone else in a meaningful way? 

I love intimacy... 

I seek intimacy... 

I actually think intimacy in and of itself is a meaningful part of my true self. 

I want to know the truth in people... 

It’s what I constantly seek... because it’s the only conversation that truly matters to us... 

I try to see people... in their TRUEST light, and I think that is an important part of what creates the connection that I have with people... 

I try not to get distracted by their noise, their minutia... That is wasteful... 

I truly believe that it is because I seek people’s truth, 

that I see people’s truth... 

I see the giant inside them... 

And, I love the conversation of unleashing their truest being upon the world... 

as I work on unleashing my own... 

That’s what all of my conversations are attempting to do... 

And, possibly why you are drawn to them...

Intimacy is not “sex”... that is just one possible form of it... and not without deliberate intent. 

Don’t protect or categorize intimacy to a small circle of people or topics, I’d argue and encourage you to unleash intimacy upon your world... 

Make your conversations matter... 

Work to find your true self, 

as you gently and caringly explore the conversations with more of those you know...

Our world needs more connection, 

Our world needs more exploration, 

Our world needs more conversation... 

to help us keep finding the truest version of our being... 

Find your courage... 

Broaden your definitions, 


find greater




in Harmony, 


